Chapter 55 fighting off extinction

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Hey look a new chapter.

"Hey kid uhhhh... are you alright?" The woman asked me as she noticed all the blood over my arm.

Thankfully I had already healed the worst of my injuries but at this point I felt completely worn out.

I simply gave a thumbs up.

The lady walked over and started checking my arm for injuries but I was already patching them up with healing magic so all she was seeing was a bad bruise.

"There's... blood all over the shirt but no wounds on your arm... how?" She muttered to herself dumbfounded.

"Well looks like someone sure made a mess of things." The man spoke up while looking at the broken grate over the air duct that I escaped through.

"Well we may have woken up early but that's probably for the best in this case." He muttered to himself. I didn't respond but with those... beasts on the loose I need all the help I can get with me.

I looked at my knife and it seemed to still be in one piece but was covered in beast guts, ew, I used my bloodied shirt to try and wipe some of the chunky bits so I could sheath it back properly. I'll probably need to clean it thoroughly later.

I stopped to take a look at the two and noticed they looked less like a couple and more like a daughter and dad.

The man looked to be fairly old, well older than Dad anyways so probably closer to around 40 or 50. But very muscular, if him one shotting a beast with his bare hands wasn't enough of an indicator. Otherwise he had some scars over his body and a chunk missing from his leg. This man had definitely seen combat in his life.

The woman on the other hand... well now that I take a look at her she looked roughly as old as I lived to be when I was Excella, maybe a bit younger. Maybe they were father and daughter or something. I couldn't really gauge her appearance too well as she was wearing a medical gown that concealed her body fairly well.

"Well Dalton good news is it seems like we're not trapped in here and those stasis pods worked like the lab coats said." She then did a short hop and returned to the ground. "Bad news is I guess we're still stuck in space somewhere and someone with a tentacle fetish decided to get a bit too creative." She replied.

"Crude descriptions aside I'd say you're right. Question is how many years have we been in stasis?"

Well thankfully I'd learned enough English to somewhat understand them but most of their words just sounded like nonsense to me.

But then the large man turned to me.
"Child are you alright?"

Well I understood him that time. I tried to speak but I still felt exhausted from earlier so I simply nodded.

He walked over and

"Wah" I yelped out in surprise as he picked me up like I didn't weigh anything. "Normally it'd be advised for you to stay here but given the situation it'll be better if you come with us."


"No wait AAAAAHHHHHH!" I heard someone scream down the hallway. Someone else got killed.

Dammit. What the hell was Vaistos thinking.

"Oh I wanna dissect Lilian. What you won't give me your niece? Oh I'll unleash horrid abominations I created while trying to play god all throughout the ship" I said in a mocking tone.

"Grrrrrrrrrr" I saw another one of the hybrids. This one was kinda small maybe part Coyote? Regardless it charged me.

*Bang* I fired my gun and the bullet pierced it's skull killing it on impact.

*sigh* this is gonna be a long day isn't it.

I continued down the hallway before hearing voices. Human but unsure if they were friendly or not. I should reload just in case.



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I leaned against the wall to listen in.

"Admiral what do we do?!?"

"Obviously we handle the problem. You get at least one of the intercoms working so I can send out a warning to the rest of the Noah. I'll keep you lot alive!"

The sound of something big being smashed into the ground ring throughout the hallways.

Well it's the Admiral so at least anyone with him will be safe.

"Admiral how're you holding up!?!" I yelled across the hallway.

"Kate is that you?"

"Yes sir... anyways sorry to cut the conversation short but the outbreak is caused by Vaistos. The psychopath messaged me right before he took out communications and began unleashing his mutants on the ship. He's after Lilian." I explained to him

"That idiot was so desperate for information he decided to sacrifice everything for research he could've gotten if he was just patient." I heard the admiral curse in a not so hushed voice.

"How did he even get this much access anyways?"

"He's the son of one of the high officials." The admiral said while audibly sighing

"Of course it's politics."

Unfortunately I didn't have time to hang around and shoot the shit with him.

"Sir I'm going to go find look for survivors. If you find Lily please look after her." I said before turning back around and leaving

Lily please stay safe wherever you are.

Been a bit since my last update huh. Nothing major to talk about but I finally upgraded my computer so I've been playing a lot of video games. Armored core 6 is really freaking fun. And I really wanna make a story on it but gotta finish one of these stories first

In embarrassing news I went at least two whole chapters calling Mimi Vivi... I'm starting to regret giving her that name.

In other news I finally updated princess farmhand again. So uhhh there's that.

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