Chapter 22: children of the warriors

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Authors note: this chapter has been updated to include a proper battle speech. It's no Erwin Smith speech but it's something

"So you're going with them Charlene?" I asked seeing the mature maid tighten the wired on her arms before bringing down her sleeves.

She sheathed her dagger while glancing at me from the side "yes milady. It's best we handle this as quickly as possible."

I knew what that meant coming from Charlene.

Total annihilation... or at the very least tearing the leaders to pieces.

In truth while she never showed it to me personally Sophie told me that after the incident back when I was only 3 she managed to train harder no longer being simply a master of assassination but one with a battle prowess few rivaled.

Of course this was all based off of what Sophie told me but given how some of the fire wood looked diced like meat back when we stayed at the cabin I'd be inclined to believe her.

"Charlene. Promise me you'll come back safely ok

The rest of the day passed quickly and it was time for us to bid our parents farewell as they headed off to fight Erebos. Younger children wouldn't likely understand what was going on but as for older children well many of them knew they may never see their parents again.

"Well I suppose we should get ready for our classes then." A familiar voice said from behind

I turned around to see a face I had started becoming quite familiar with.

"Escher? Why are you up here?"

"Because someone had to come get you and I drew the short straw. Let's go princess."

Realizing I wouldn't get any answers out of him I simply sighed and headed down to our classroom.

I saw the other members of the tea party as well as Sophie had already taken their seats.

I was to take the center most desk putting me between Francesca and Escher himself.

In the front sat Lyric and Sophie while behind me there was Simon and Larentia (giving me a very irritated gaze I might add)

The class itself didn't really teach anything noteworthy instead just teaching

Our teacher didn't stay very long either leaving us to study ourselves.

Normally you'd think that meant we got the day off.


Oh nonono

Larentia decided to step up to the front and teach the class herself as the second oldest one here .

"Since we're currently at war let's talk about the army of the opposing military.

And so the lecture began


"Any sight of them?"

"Nothing yet."

"Hold on... those people off in the distance. That looks like Erebesian armor. We should probably report this."

"Already on it." The soldier said sending a magic message.


"You hear something?"

"Probably just a forest animal."


"Hey you the-" the soldier said looking to his right to see the corpse of his fellow soldier

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