Chapter 32 Axler the Endbringer

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"So Lux summoned themselves a new hero huh?"

"Yes Axler and he bears the silver flame. This might be the one to end this war." I told him

"Well obviously Lisia. It'll end in our victory once I kill him haHA." He laughed

As confident as always I see.

"If you fight him you're going to die." The monotone voice of a teenager said and to no surprise Excella stepped in the room. Her shoulder length dark hair and eyes constantly changing color but holding the usual expressionless face.

"Oh ho so the little doll of mass destruction thinks I'm not a match huh. Well maybe she should spend more time training her own weak body. How on earth are you supposed to command an army when you're small enough to be blown away by a gust of wind." He fired back

I could feel the tension as her face took a slightly annoyed look. Many regular soldier would cower in fear given the rumors how she skinned a soldier for questioning her orders.

And then there was Axler a warrior so mighty and ferocious he got the title the endbringer. Many believed he'd kill his own people if they got in his way.

"BAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA! So the little miss is afraid I'll kick the bucket too soon. Well don't you worry I don't believe in that destiny crap." He laughed before giving Excella a hearty smack on the back

I winced knowing what was coming I could see tears forming in Excellas eyes and anger on her face.

"Dammit Axler. fine go off and get yourself killed see if I care!" She yelled tears streaming down her face

"Thought shed be thicker skin than that." He said confused

I just signed

"No you idiot she's highly susceptible to pain." I said remembering when she told me a simple cut from a knife felt like getting stabbed by a lance for a normal person. I often wondered how she even functioned with an existence like that. Turns out she intentionally injured herself to help her tolerate pain.

Our supposed endbringer was a big over confident fool and the dark witch was just an emotionally stunted teenage crybaby. At least off the battlefield anyways.

"Well I'm sorry. Is there anything you want me to do?"

"Pass on a message to the hero for me." Excella said surprising us both

"This war won't end until King Arves has fallen." She said

Should a lesser person say this they could be executed on the spot but Excella was the 5th highest ranking member of Gehna. Only behind King Arves, Myself, Lucian, and Axler. And neither of us planned to sell Excella out

After all she was right.


The battlefield was fierce with men from both Gehna and Lux falling one by one.

All until

"There you are hero." A larger man said to me.

"Yes... here I am." I replied unsure why he was talking in the middle of a battle.

"I am Axler. One of the four Generals of the Gehnan Army. Also known as the Endbringer."
He began a grand speech

"So do you have a-"

"Destiny said I was to die here against you. Destiny also said I'd be a weak man that could only ever be an assassin. I don't believe in destiny one bit" he said before leaping towards me battle ax at the ready to cleave me in half.

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