Chapter 45: communication

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A lot of the doors weren't opening but I needed to keep moving and checking if I wanted to find out where I am.

Everything was made of metal and looked mostly the same. The only difference I noticed was the lights were different colors in certain parts. But what was surprising was how empty this whole place was. I remember seeing something right before I blacked out and I've heard some noises but... I haven't seen anything other than metal.

"Bui Bui" Mimi surprised me popping up out of nowhere stopping me. I didn't have time to act surprised as she nudged for me to check the door on my left.

I placed a hand on the knob and heard a whirring sound as well as a faint green glow then I heard a strange voice speaking in that weird language again.



I then heard a clicking noise as the door started moving backwards. It opened

[Would you like to enter a name for "CHILD 1"] I didn't stop to answer instead just going inside.

The room was different from the hallways. While still having that metallic appearance there was at least some softer bedding and what appeared to be a sofa. There was also a desk with a small book lying on top and a picture of someone.

I walked closer to the painting but heard footsteps outside and getting close. I needed to hide. Seeing another door I ran inside there... only to realize this wasn't a room it was a small closet.

I tried to back myself into a corner and stay hidden as best as I could feeling around for something to use as a weapon. Unfortunately I was in some sort of medical gown so my clothes and knife were nowhere to be seen at the moment and magic felt... cutoff. I could still feel my healing magic but everything else didn't feel right.

I heard the footsteps come to a stop and tried to peek through the closet door.

*WHAM* the door swung open hard as a person kicked it hard. Then stepping through the door was a blonde woman. She had herself a knife drawn, and it was giving off a strange noise. I guess she was the owner of the room.

I tried shifting further back away from the door but that proved to be a mistake as I made a rustling noise that she took notice of.

She made her way to the closet door swinging it open and stared right at me. Knife drawn and buzzing noise still audible.

I needed to think fast or she may just kill me. "H-hello." I said to her in English, given it was the only other language I knew and I highly doubted this woman spoke Gehnan.

She stared at me for what felt like hours on end, but in reality were just a few seconds. The silence broke as the woman let out an exhausted Sigh. She clicked her knife and the buzzing noise stopped as she sheathed it in her belt.

"Hello there. Do you understand me?" She spoke in a slowed down manner probably in the hopes I'd understand easier.

Well thankfully I did. At least a little bit so I slowly nodded my head. Hopefully she didn't ask me too many complicated questio- WAH!

I was surprised when the lady randomly picked me up and pulled me out of her closet before setting me on the bed.

I took a bit more time to look around the room and see it was small but efficiently used with little cubbies acting as storage, there was a wooden desk that appeared out of place compared to the more metallic look the rest of the room had. And on it there was a picture of a young girl with long blonde hair next to an older boy with short black hair. Her family I suppose.

The woman pulled up a chair and began looking me over before muttering to herself.

"Interesting... I'd heard the reports but it's another thing entirely seeing an alien in person. But in many ways she looks just like a human girl."

Then she stretched one of her arm out and began saying something I couldn't understand at all. I just tilted my head in confusion.

She let out another sigh. I could tell this woman was exhausted and likely wanted to sleep in her bed... which I was currently sitting on.

She then pointed to her arm and said "hand" motioning that she wanted me to let her see my hand and then I made the connection.

I held out my right and for her which she held surprisingly gently but gave it a thorough looking over. I couldn't tell what she was mumbling but she did seem fascinated by something.

However things were cut short as more footsteps could be heard down the hallway as others got close then the door swung open and I heard a voice yell.



I never would have guessed the Avosian child would make her way into my room. I guess I need to get my locks replaced.

Giving her a look over she seemed to be in a healthy enough state though I did have to play charades with her more than a little bit but the fact she was able to understand me at all was quite impressive.

However my scientific curiosity was doing battle with my exhaustion from pulling an all nighter and I knew it'd win sooner or later.

"KATE!" I heard a familiar voice yell as my door was slammed open.

"Hi Edra." I waved at him.

"We heard the Avosian made its way onto... this... floor." His speech slowed to a crawl as he noticed I wasn't alone in my room.

I turned back to the girl and noticed a scared look on her have as she was shaking. If I left things as they were this kid was gonna be dragged back to the lab and tested on.

"Edra it's fine she isn't dangerous. Let the Admiral know the Avosian girl has been found and I'll keep an eye on her for the night."

"You know that could lead to punishment in violation of protocol correct?" He said trying to talk me out of what I was doing

But honestly... there's always the question of what may be overall safer but humans aren't exactly the kind to ignore a scared and injured child right in front of them, 

"Then tell him I'm working on communicating with the Avosian. Now get going." I sent him off

Anyways with that handled I turned my head back to the girl and she held a surprised look on her face.

"Who you?" She asked me

I turned back to her and gave a small smile before pointing to and introducing myself

"My name is Kate Alans. Nice you meet you."

Surprise the story isn't dead I just didn't update for like 2 months (hectic life amirite)

Anyways as of... last month this story has officially turned a year old making it by far the most time I've spent on a story which is kinda neat. Next update will hopefully be sooner rather than later but until then see ya later.

Rebirth: Star Witch LilianTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon