Chapter 23: the tyrants gauntlet

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"War had arrived. And what a bloodbath it was..."

"Lady Charlene if this is your attempt at humor it's in bad taste." The vaguely familiar knight said to me.

"Apologies. Just a habit from my old days..." I turned my head to see his face "sir Lucian." I finished my greeting

"Are you nervous?" I decided to ask to pass the time before the calm inevitably broke

"Only an arrogant fool or someone who wished to die wouldn't be a little nervous." He replied sternly

"Not much for small talk are you sir Lucian?" I said flatly realizing this was going nowhere

"I prefer to listen rather than speak."

...well that's a bit unexpected

"Well then Sir Lucian I have a request."

"That being?" He said with suspicion in his voice.

"I heard you can summon a phantom steed to ride into battle. Is that true?" I asked earning a suspicion glance my way

"What are you getting at?"

"I want you to get me to the front of the battle... heheh I've wanted to let loose for a long time now but the last time I had a good fight was when the castle was attacked by those traitors and at that time my concerns were... elsewhere." I recalled having to rescue them protect princess Lilian.

He seemed to be deep in though before replying "very well. But remember you have a responsibility to return to princess Lilian alive." He instructed

I think I could manage that


"Guess it's time we get started huh."

"Now as for more advanced techniques" Larentia continued lecturing us but somehow she shifted from the gauntlet to talking about magic.

"Most complex would be fusion magic which seems simple in the surface but requires an adept focus to pull off." Tia finally said something that caught my attention

Many people believed fusion magic was casting two spells at the same time but that wasn't true. Sure multi casting could be tricky but fusion magic often required two mages in sync with one another to perform successfully.

"Every type of magic has a sign of some sort. For the spells to properly fuse it's necessary it is necessary for the signs to fit together in one way or another."

Tia had a pause to see if anyone was paying attention.

Sophie was understandably zoned out given that she was incapable of using any magic.

Lyric seemed to be writing things down but struggling to keep up.

Simon and Escher didn't seem to have any trouble following although Escher seemed far less interested.

As for Fran well... she was completely lost

"Now as for how to fuse magic you require two casters in sync with one another. Then the magic signs act as two puzzle pieces while causing the connection acts as a... well as a connector piece for the signs allowing the magic to fuse together creating powerful results."

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