Chapter 28: Star report

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The rest of the day passed by in a blur. I remember mom coming to the rescue and saving us. I remember healing the others. I remember Escher apologizing to me about the fire. And I remember all the soldiers returning after the presumed war with Erebos ended in just one decisive battle.

Fairly anticlimactic compared to the war with Lux but you wouldn't hear me complaining.

I so after my freak out I ended up going to my room for a bit to try and find something to get my mind off of what happened today.

Reading was a no go until I found my glasses since I wasn't willing to waste medicine on improving my eyesight when I wouldn't even be awake for more than 2 hours. Feeling around for something on my desk I remembered that cube I found a couple months back.

I simply pressed my hands around the cube feeling for the rough edges and realized it wasn't one big block it was made up of multiple smaller blocks. Why it was designed this way was beyond me.

I decided to pick the cube back up and put it on my night stand before leaving the room then it happened.

[Unknown handprint detected]

"Wha?!?" I freaked out causing the cube to fly up a few inches into the air before hitting the ground barely missing my feet.

The cube just gave off a noise. Was it... speaking?
[Ark Noah DNA confirmed]
[Registering new Owner]
I quickly opened up a drawer in my desk to pull out my reading glasses.

The cube itself seemed to expand slightly in size as it lit up with multiple colors. I couldn't make out what exactly it was doing but I could put together it was displaying some language.

[Please enter your name.] voice spoke again

This language was starting to seem vaguely familiar.

[Please enter your name.]

Wait it was from that dream I had the night I found this thing.

[please enter your name] the robotic voice spoke again this time throwing up the text of what I guess it kept repeating.

Wait a second if this was the same language as that dream then...

[please enter your name]
"DAD'S LANGUAGE!" I exclaimed finally piecing together this was what Cai- what dad spoke on his home world... ship... thing.

Then this is... something from his world.

Wait a second I remember my chart from back when mom and dad were teaching Sophie and I how to speak his language. Dad went and made a chart for each letter. Honestly Sophie caught on it much better than I have. Maybe it's because physically I'm still only 6 or maybe it's because my memories of my life as Excella have kind of hampered my learning because of prior knowledge getting in the way. Who could say this whole reborn thing is still strange to me.

I walked over to my bed and got down putting an arm to fish for the object eventually feeling the laminated paper and pulling it out.

"Here we are" I said pulling it out as the sheet made it's wobbly sound that most laminated sheets would make.

"Alright lets see here." I muttered to myself i my eyes went back and forth between the screen and my sheet

[please enter your name]

"Alright I get it." I responded growing irritated with the repeating voice.

So looks like it wants me to enter a name.

I wonder what I should go with... hmmmm maybe... nah I shouldn't use my real name but decided to use my better judgement and not do so.

At first I began to type Excella out but then paused

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