Chapter 26: soul flame

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Those guards at the front gate didn't post a challenge at all. I must admit I was disappointed but I suppose it meant a smoother mission. But after 10 minutes I grew impatient. How hard was it for the subordinates to do their job and capture a six year old girl?

Walking into the now damaged castle after sending in my assassins I saw the reason they were taking so long. Two of them had already failed

"Oh so they died... how disappointing."

A large piece of flooring flew at me quickly but I slapped it away with my club.

Before me stood an exhausted knight with dark skin and armor.

"Ah you must be the gift that emperor of Lux gave to the princess."

He gave no response and simply readied his weapon

"Not a talker huh. Very well."
I readied my weapon knowing this would be quick

"I am Carland the fourth blade of Erebos. Do try to keep things interesting for me."

Lyric and I looked at each other and nodded. I made my dash out from behind the shelf catching the attackers attention.

"There you are you little runt" he said making his way towards me knife drawn

I readied myself preparing the magic. I needed to focus.

"Not gonna run away anymore? Well fine by me." The man said smugly before being pelted by rocks.

Lyric threw as many rocks as he could at the attacker even managing to score a hit to the eyes. The attacker wasn't seriously injured but he was stunned enough to give me the opening I needed.

"Mimi!" I called upon my spirit guardian and we began the spell.

The fusion wasn't perfect. It took a second. At first the attackers wounds were healing up slightly.

"Oh I'm actually feeling rather refreshed now. Too bad princess your plans didn't work." He mocked

Then the time reversal took effect.

Healthy skin was untouched but the scratched received from the rocks thrown became deeper and more painful.

Old scars began to ache and grow sensitive.

Lastly his eyes began to bleed.

"Wh-what the hell are you doing to me?!?"

I didn't respond instead focusing more energy into the eyes and then

One of his eyes burst

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGHHHHH" the man doubled over in pain letting out a scream of agony

Not wasting time I grabbed Lyrics wrist and ran out of the room as fast as I could take us.

"I can't believe that actually worked. Nice throw Lyric!" I said praising the quiet boy.

"Thank you." He simply responded quietly.

Well I guess I can't blame him. Most children wouldn't be used to this sort of violence and bloodshed. In all honesty I wouldn't either had I not been kept my memories from my past life.

Thankfully I knew the castle layout well enough to know some of the shortcuts and other spots.

Unfortunately in my mad dash I lost my glasses so my sight was suboptimal to say the least.

"Uhhhh Lily that way is blocked off" lyric spoke up snapping me out of my thoughts

I couldn't see anything wrong but I stopped to smell and noticed smoke.

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