Christmas Special

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I could consider this non canon but that's too easy. So instead let's say this happens after Lily's 6th birthday even though we'll be back to those events once the story continues.

"*yaaaaaawn* I slept like a log." I said to no one in particular. Looking out the castle to see it was still dark out but I could tell it was a new day.

Suddenly I heard shifting of both Mimi and Sophie in the bed as Sophie let out a yawn of her own.

"Merry Christmas Sophie." I replied happily

"*yaaaawn* merry Christmas my Princess."
"Pui Pui"

"Heehee merry Christmas to you too Mimi. Cmon let's go get mom and dad." I said before Sophie suddenly stopped me

"Princess I understand your excitement but it's still early. Let's let them rest a bit longer. Oh how about we make them a Christmas breakfast?" Sophie suggested to me

I thought it was a great idea and I'd been improving my cooking recently so may as well give it a shot.

So the 3 of us headed to the Kitchen. We found the eggs, some left over beef, and some batter.

So pancakes, eggs, and beef sausages.

"I'll work on the pancakes princess just let me get a match. Mimi could you help the princess with the sausages and eggs please."

"Pui pui"

And so we got to work. My attempt at omelettes quickly turned into scrambled eggs while Sophie showed her skills with flipping pancakes. This stove sure was great with dad being able to design it and adapting it to work with our magical items. A fusion of worlds technology so to speak.

Actually Christmas was also a holiday from his world but I was happy to give it a shot. A time dedicated to being with loved ones and giving gifts to one another.

Our cooking was a success with Mimi roasting the beef while I finished the eggs and Sophie piled high the pancakes.

"Alright it should be late enough now. You can go wake your parents princess." Sophie said

I nodded and ran to their room.

They were still asleep so I prepared myself and leapt into their bed.

"Mom dad get up get up it's Christmas Day." I said enthusiastically while shaking them

"Mmmmmm. Is that my little girl I hear?" Dad said while picking me up into the air and I began to giggle in response.

This would be the second year we celebrated Christmas and the first one back at the castle.

"You two seem really excited about this." Mother said

"Well it's Christmas. It's a time for feeling joy afterall." Dad responded

"Christmas was a tradition of my world even long after its destruction and I celebrated it every year with my family." He began to reminisce

"Oh wait! Mom dad we made breakfast for you. Cmon let's go."

I began attempting to pull them up with Mimi pulling on my back attempting to help me. Needless to say we didn't accomplish anything.

Instead dad just picked me up and walked to the kitchen with mom right behind and Mimi floating with her.

We entered to see Sophie having the plates set out for our table and a smaller space set out for herself and Charlene who just entered.

The pancakes were cut into trees and stars. I saw that Sophie used a picture dad drew up for reference. It looked delicious.

"Oh right we gotta say grace first." I remembered before clapping my hands together.

"Dear Lord. Thank you for letting us spend this time together with our loved one. Thank you for the food and the lives we've been given... thank you for giving me a second chance. Amen." I finished and then we began to dig in. The pancakes and beef were great though the eggs were a bit overcooked... whoops.

After we all ate we moved into our living room with the big Christmas Tree. Lucian arrived and was invited in. It was time to give the gifts.

Everyone received plenty of different gifts ranging from clothes to weapons to even a few fancy items. I was no exception with a cook book, something for Mimi, magic crystals, and even a knife from sir Lucian which earned some remarks from Mom.

But now it was time for me to give out my gifts.

"Oh you went and got gifts Lily? You know you didn't have to do that." Mother said with a smile

"Mom I'm the reincarnation of one of the most powerful mages to ever exist. I think I can at least manage a few gifts " I replied proudly.

"First is Mom." I said pulling out a small box. I got special tea kettle that used a heat crystal to boil the water in without need for an external source

"Heheh. Thank you very much Lily." She said before giving me a great big hug.

"Next up is" I rummaged through my sack and pulled out a gift for "oh next is sir Lucian."

He silently nodded accepting the gift opening to see a strange emblem.

"It's an magia shield. It'll stop one magical attack for you and can recharge its use after one day." I explained

Not much of a man for words he gave a nod and a "thank you princess. You're very kind."

I continued to rummage and found "oh next is Charlene." Which earned a surprise look on the maids face.

"Knitting supplies?" She said with a confused look on her face.

"Well Charlene... it's hard to figure out what you like so I decided knitting may be something helpful. Ya know since you use wired and all." I said awkwardly

A small smile appeared on her face.
"Thank you Princess. It's a nice gift" she said formally but under her breath she muttered "I guess I'll need to sew something for her."

"Aaaand up next iiiiiiiis. Sophie" I said handing her a rectangular box.

She nodded and opened it. She immediately dropped the gift giving me a big hug.
"Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou." She didn't stop to catch her breath

"I figured you probably already had the new volume of that comic so instead I decided you may like to read it in color." It was her favorite comic Dame Magica. A comic about a young girl that became a strong magic knight. But she never had magic she actually nullified it much like Sophie. Instead she was creative with the use of magic stones and items.

"And last but not least dad" I said. His present was fairly flat but I had a feeling he'd love it.

Upon opening the gift he said nothing for a moment instead began to tear up. Mother was surprised as well.

"Lily... how did you get this?" Dad was surprised and he turned it around.

It was a restored picture of him and his little sister or my aunt from another world I suppose.

"Well one day when I was messing around with Mimi and Sophie I found out Mimi had duplication magic. Then I realized if I channeled magic through her she could duplicate objects so... I made a duplication of your photo when you left it home one time and had the duplicate get enhanced." I said my mouthful

"Thank you... thank you very much Lily." I didn't mean to make dad cry but at least it was a happy cry. I quickly ran up to give him a hug which Mother and Mimi soon joined in

"Merry Christmas dad."

"Lily, Lisia, Sophie, Mimi. Thank you girls for being a part of my life. Charlene, Lucian thank you too. Merry Christmas."

Meanwhile far far into the sky. So far in fact it was no longer in the planet. A young woman sat in her room looking at a ceramic tree flashed a few lights.

A drink was in her hand and a picture very similar to the one Caius owned in her other.

"Merry Christmas Brother."

Merry Christmas Everyone.

Rebirth: Star Witch LilianTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon