Chapter 14: the Emperor of Lux

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"Introducing the her royal highness. Princess Lilian Twilis Alans-Gehna" I stepped into the spotlight as the people cheered.

Thanks to having bad eyes for many years I got very good at using my hearing to locate things. In this case I simply cut through the white noise.

"So that's the fabled princess huh."
"I wonder why she's been hidden for so long?"
"I heard it was because she was hideous and deformed."
"Well you clearly heard wrong she's cute as a button."
"On the outside maybe but whose to say how she is on the inside."
"She's only six!"
"And? I've seen children half her age rotten to the core."

Wow tough crowd huh. I made my way down to my seat beside the king and queens throne.

And so the greetings began one person after another extending flattery. Some were clearly just out for my rank while others seemed to see me more like a doll.

There were also the standard introducing children in hopes of befriending me. Sure there was political motivation but hey I wouldn't write off the kids as potential friends.

Then I saw something or more accurately someone that surprised me.

"Greetings princess I am prince Eschelas Von Emmery from the western Kingdom of Emmery. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance" the boy had dark skin and white hair but I quickly recognized him from this morning

Escher? He was a prince?!?

"Ah uh likewise prince Eschelas. It's nice to meet you." I greeted him and I saw his smirk. He clearly recognized me but said nothing.
He then walked back into the party and I lost sight of him

Afterwards another group of usual suspects arrived and cycled through. Gifts, greetings, praise. It went on for a while. Personally I didn't want to be rude so I simply let the greetings continue.

Then a large commotion began at the entrance.
I focused my ears to listen.

"Oh my."
"I'm surprised he showed up."
"Is it wise for him to make himself present in Gehna?"
"Obviously it's a show of power."

Who on earth could that be?

Wait a show of power... I don't like where this is going.

The large clanking of boots sounded throughout the hall as multiple fully armored knights entered the castle. I saw an uneasy look on dads face but Mom assured him things would be just fine.

"Introducing the light of the empire. Emperor Lucius Lustrious Lux." It was him. The emperor... wait Lucius Lustrious

HA he's taking all the Ls.

But seriously this man was the emperor of Lux. The ones that destroyed Gehna. Though I can't exactly say if he was the instigator or our unhinged king was so I'll reserve judgement for now.

It was my first time seeing him up close but he had a somewhat aged face with shoulder length silver hair and a bushy beard. I expected to look at scary eyes but they surprised me. They held an unexpected kindness in them.

"Well hello their young princess. So I see you're the result of matrimony between Caius and Queen Lisia." He began monologging.

"H-hello Emperor. It is a p-pleasure to meet you." I'd be lying if I said I wasn't intimidated by the man. Whether or not he meant any harm he was indirectly responsible for killing me and I heard he was quite strong with both the sword and light magic.

"Haha. Not to worry dear girl. I consider Caius my honorary son. Which would make you my honorary granddaughter. So I wished to simply attend your 6th birthday." He smiled

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