"you can come back down now"

anna: ok

we see her float back down

"do you have riggings?"

anna: yes

"can you show me?"

suddenly a rigging appears behind Anna it was a turtle of some type and it moved like it was alive

anna: hi tutel

"you named it tutel?"

anna: yes

"ok then"

she looks closer at the rigging and noticed they had  no visible weapons taking a closer looked it had none at all

"huh you have no weapons"

arch: yeah to get them you had to pass the test

"I see would you like me to add some?"

anna: yea

arch: sure

suddenly another rigging appeared this one took form of a snake

arch: hey noodles

"huh ok so we have noodles and tutel, well follow me"

we see them leave the training area and walk towards a small hanger inside was a small workbench and several shelves of spare parts

"ok then we need light cruiser guns right?"

arch: yep

"ok then"

we see her walk through isle through isle looking for the guns

"ah found some"

we see her hover it over her head and float it over to the bench

"ok then can i see tutel?"

anna: sure

tutel was handed to her and she fliped it onto its back looking for an attachment point she saw several

*I wonder?*

she looks over and sees a small pile of wisdom cubes 

*ill just grab a couple*

she grabs a cube and shoves it into the cannon and it disappears with the cannon being replaced by a slightly smaller cube

"huh would you look at that"

she crouches down and picks up a the cube now  was glowing a shade of yellow

"lets try this"

she places the cube into the riggings beak and it bites down the cube suddenly became more small cubes and the guns appeared on it

"well that worked"

repeating this with noodles guns appeared on both the riggings

"how do they feel?"

anna: like they belong

arch: this will do nicely

"I hope as tomorrow you will be trained on weapons and hand to hand combat"

anna: why tho

"I have a feeling the sirens will not leave us alone for a while"

arch: really?

anna: are you sure?

"no I'm not sure but I would rather you be ready to fight and not have to than fight and be unable to"

Anna: ok

Arch: I see

Piorun: now how about we head home?

anna: yay

arch: ok

they head home

we see piorun fall asleep

she opens her eyes shes surrounded by fire and destruction 

*is this my mind?*

suddenly a cannon roar is heard she sees the lab get hit

*no no not this*

we see her shaking in fear

*why this?*

suddenly images of anna and arch in yellow pools of blood is seen

*no no no no no*

behind them were blurry figures and one points at her

*me? why haven't I seen enough already?*

it walks towards her slowly but steadily she tries to run but the figure continues to walk unnervingly  slow but she could not outrun it, it always stayed a few steps behind her

suddenly she wakes up in a cold sweat

"gasp oh it was only a dream"

looking around she realises it was still night out

*i cant go back to sleep ill just read*

we see her approach the bookshelf and grab a book with the title, The Sinz of Prinz

*this will calm my nerves I hope*

she sits down and opens the book and read for several hours

eventually she falls asleep with the book on her lap

end of chapter

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