Entry 18

29 2 0

I grab the book on my bed, called... Hairy Pot's urge?

"HARRY. POTTER." Timothy said, slowly.

"Hairy.... Pot turf....." I try to say.

"You know what, I give up." he sighed, and got back to his web.

I cross out "Hairy pot turf" and look at the next one.

"I GOT IT! HAIRY POT TROLL!" I scream. Timothy falls out of his web and plops onto the floor.

"...hairy ponder?"


"Hairy poggers?"


"Hairy Pog Champ?"


"HARRY POTTER!" I scream.

"Yay, it only took you 7 hours....." he yawned.

"Wait, what time is it?" I ask him.

"Lights supposed to be out at 11:30. Right now it's like 6:20 in the morning.


"Shut up before I tell Jack and Hide to score a home-run with you again." he growled, as he went back to his web.

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