Entry 6

87 5 2

Seek was groaning with his hands clutching his... Uh... No-no square...

"What happened?" I asked Timothy.

"Seek, Figure, Eyes, and Rush got into a fight, and long-story-short, Figure, Eyes, and Rush teamed up against Seek for some reason, and Figure kicked his.... Spot..." He whispered.

To be honest, I think Seek is the most innocent one from the fight.

Also, Figure, just telling ya...

Way to  bring a gun to a knife fight...


Anyways, we just watched Seek curled up in a corner clutching his you-know-what.
"Aaaaaaaaaalriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.... So.... How many kills y'all got?" Ambush asked, while Hide was telling Seek to move his hands away so he could put the ice pack on the "spot". "I got at least 30... Those humans' breathings were SO uneven." Figure said. "I got about... let's see... 1.. 2... 3.. 4.. 5.. 6.. what comes after 6? 69... 69!!!" Rush shouted. "STFU, Rush. be serious." Halt snarled. "FINE! 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 69!" Rush said again. "WAIT..." GL said. She got a piece of paper with some boring math stuff on it. "Solve this." Rush got out the pen, and started solving it.



1. What comes after 6?


2. What comes before 70?


3. What is 70-6?


4. So, does 69 logically come after 6?


5. Why or why not?

          Cuz number order is 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 69

6. Why do you think that?

         Cuz I'm big-brained


"Rush, go back to Kindergarten." Ambush said. 

Rush pulled out a UNO reverse.

"HEY! SO YOU DID CHEAT!" Eyes whined.

"For a good reason, bitch." Rush spat back.

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