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I get popcorn and Seek gets the drinks. Hide glared down at Timothy.

"wanna.. f... f-fight.... p-punk.....?" he asked, in his squeaky worried voice. At first, Hide just kept staring. then, when Timothy started backing up slowly, Hide disappeared. At first, all of us thought he ran away to calm down, but NO. A few seconds later, the room went dark. If you didn't know, I have to use eye drops, so when I go out into the light, it doesn't blind me. Well, because of that, I couldn't see a thing. Then, the lights came back on. Timothy was hung, upside down. Blood dribbled on the floor. The other entities and I have seen, except for Figure- a lot of blood and organs. But this one... was just too cruel... Then, I noticed that it wasn't anything like rope or string strangling Timothy. Sooo you know those arms that stick out from the window when Seek's 'bout to beat your ass? Ye like those, but dark blue with a bunch of "Get out"s in light blue. Hide hid in the shadows, then came out, outstretched his claws, and pierced through Timothy's body. He struggled for a bit, then went limp. A minute later, he finished healing and struggled again. Hide kicked him back, and stomped on him. Limp, and back after another minute. Then, he disappeared again. The lights went off again, and I hear a smash. Hide struggled, while in GL's grasp. Eyes shot through the air, reaching Timothy. He 'picked him up' and raced down the halls, into me and Timothy's room. GL handles Hide, and all of us check on Timothy. He had a lot of scars for a small spider. Dupe was extremely confused, because he didn't know ANYONE. Then, GL broke the silence. "Emergency Entity Meeting, guys."

All of us go to the lobby...

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