Entry 3

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Halt gasped and took another big breath. "Go easy. We can't risk you having an asthma attack right now, in the woods. We have to go back before the sun comes up, before we're dead." 

(A/N: In this story, the entities slowly disintegrate when they touch sunlight)

I never saw Seek help another entity except Hide. And Jack. I guess Eyes's disappearance worried him. Figure was "staring" at a tall oak tree. The other entities looked up as well, and they heard a faint voice. There was purple-blue light coming from the top. I floated my way up there and heard: "HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELP!" 


"HE'S UP HERE!" I yelled.

"HOW THE DAMN SHIT DID HE GET UP THERE?!" Halt yelled back. 

"I DON'T KNOW!!!" I look back and glare at Eyes. "how the fuck did you get here?" I whispered.

"I explore the woods a lot when anyone starts fighting. I'm sick of it."

"Well, we're sick of having to find your ragedy ass when you go missing!" I spat back. Anyways, how do we get him out...


"So, exactly, what?!" "That sounds insane." "Maybe, it would work?" "I highly doubt it will."

I had suggested to get 2 crucifixes and use one on Eyes, and one on myself.

"If we do it at the same time, maybe me and Eyes would switch places. And I could float my way out!" Figure and Jack looked confused, Seek gave me a nod, and the others were silent. "Very well..." GL said. She got 2 crucifixes. "Figure, can you do it?" "Of course." Figure grasped the crucifix. He felt around the tree trunk, and grabbed one branch. He slowly went up, and shouted, "READY!" "3, 2, 1, NOW!" GL shouted. Seek chucked a crucifix at me, and I slowly saw everything become light. I shut my eyes, not wanting to see all the stuff. Then, I opened my eyes and found myself in a... WOODPECKER NEST? WTF? I floated my way down and saw Eyes. "You are fucking welcome." I huffed.

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