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"You sure youn wanna come w us mh?" Melz asked me. I was waiting for them to leave so I could text Maya.

"I'm straight" I told her as she shrugged and left. After a few minutes I heard the front door close. I grabbed my phone and texted Maya the details. I then ordered pizza cause a nigga's hungry as fuck.

I went and threw on my polo hoodie and some jeans as I looked in the mirror.

"Yo what the fuck-" I said as I looked at my hair. My curls were all frizzed out and shit.

"I need this shit done!!" I looked around till I heard a knock on the door.

My heart started pounding as I knew it was Maya.

Tf you tripping for it's just Maya she nobody special.

"Yooo kid" she geeked as I opened the door.

"Kid?" I raised a brow. 

"you know you a lil youngin" she pushed past me and walked in.

"I'm older than you-" I reminded her.

"Are you thoughh??" she pushed past me and walked in.

"Hol up ian never invited you to enter" I spoke as I ignored her slick remark.


"You right mh... but guess what... I DONT GIVE A FUCK" she said as she plopped onto the couch.

I rolled my eyes and shut the door.

"I ordered pizza it should be here soon" I told her as I went to go to my room.

"Wowww your just gonna leave me here?" she pouted.

"Come on" I turned and smiled at her. She looked so pretty the way her bottom lip poked out.

She ran past me and pushed me into the wall as she went into the room.

"NOW WHAT IF THAT WASNT MY ROOM" I yelled as I got myself together and went after her.

She jumped onto my bed as I went to jump on top of her.

"NOTTI MOVE" she shouted as I wrapped my arms around her.

"Noo I'm comfortable" I laughed as she complained.

"Nigga move!!" she tried to push me away.

"Awh come on you know you want a piece of big Notti" I smirked as I let her go.

"You wish" she scoffed.

"Suck ma dick" I hit her head.

"Ow!!" she rubbed it. I mocked her when I heard another knock on the door.

"PIZZAAA" we both said in sync as we ran out the room to go grab it.

She set the box down on the table as I grabbed 2 cups for us to drink the lemonade. (I only bought it cause I know she'd be pressed if I didn't 🙄).

"Gotta love NY pizza" she said as she bit into her slice.

I handed her the cup and took a slice myself.

I felt her eyes on me. She was staring hella hard.

"Eh?" I popped my neck out at her.

"Yo that was gay" she choked on her drink.

"Word to ma mother I'll slap tf outta you" I got annoyed.

She mimicked me and then laughed as I just stood there.

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