The two watched Ward become dangerously close to the girl, before grabbed her neck with his hands as he shouted in her face emotionally. Sarah struggled to breathe, crying as she tried to push him away, inaudible words escaped her lips.

John B sprinted towards them, before jumping on Ward's back, pulling him away, and punching him. Rory sprinted to Sarah, who had fallen to the floor trying to regain her breath. She cupped Sarah's face, "It's okay, it's okay. I'm here."

"Rory, what- what are you doing here?"Sarah questioned confusedly, as she placed her hands on Aurora's face.

"I love you." Rory blurted out, as she felt that heavy feeling rise from her chest. She rested her forehead on hers, as a tear rolled down her cheek, "I'm so sorry."

Aurora's eyes drifted to John B, who was rushing towards the two in panic. Rory stood up quickly, before taking the gun from her pocket and aiming it at Ward. John B helped Sarah to her feet, as Aurora stood in front of them. 

"Stay away from her." Rory warned, tightening her jaw. Unexpectedly, Ward ran towards Aurora, as she pulled the trigger, whilst John B pushed her aside. The bullet missed, hitting a piece of metal instead. The boy punched Ward repeatedly, before he collapsed, whacking his head on the side of the boat.

"Is this how you did it?" John B asked angrily, "Is this how you killed my father? You just threw him in the ocean? I never got to say goodbye. Because of you. This is all your fault."

Aurora aimed the gun at his head again, her hand shaking uncontrollably. The idea of killing Ward was so tempting to Rory. However, when she looked at Sarah she knew that their relationship would never be the same. She couldn't kill her girlfriends father, no matter how evil he was. Aurora wasn't a killer. Aurora wasn't Rafe.

Rory crouched down, pushing the end of the gun into Ward's forehead, "If you touch her again, I will kill you. Understand?"

A groan escaped Ward's mouth, as his head bled out onto the metal. Rory lowered the gun slowly, placing it back in her pocket, as John B held Sarah, "We gotta go, okay? On the count of three."

Sarah released the lifeboat, as it dropped into the choppy waves below. Aurora held Sarah and John B's hand, as they peered down at the boat.

"1...2...3." John B counted, as the trio jumped into the deep water below. Their heads popped up to the surface of the water gasping, as they swam towards the lifeboat.

Aurora gripped onto Sarah's hand, refusing to let go as John B drove towards Pope and Cleo who had just jumped off of the boat. With the help of John and Sarah, Rory pulled Pope and Cleo into the boat, as they watched the crew members and Rafe pull the cross back onto the boat with a rope.

"Long time no see, girl." Cleo greeted Sarah as she caught her breath.

Aurora smiled, before it slowly faded, "Where's JJ and Kie?"

Pope frowned, "I thought they were with you?"

John B quickly drove the boat to the other side, before two figures became noticeable in the distance. Rory squinted her eyes, seeing Kie hold JJ's body in the water. Her heart sank to the bottom of her stomach.

"No, no, no." Rory panicked, as the group yelled at the two in worry. The group pulled Kie and JJ to safety, as Rory cupped JJ's face. Her voice cracked as she cried, "JJ! Wake up. Wake up, JJ! Please."

Aurora checked the cut on the side of his head, that was pouring down the side of his face. The group all shouted, trying to wake him up, as Rory sobbed into his chest, before Sarah pulled her into a hug.

"No. Please." Rory sobbed loudly, "I can't- I can't-"

JJ's chest tensed as he coughed up the water within his body, causing Rory to look at him. Pope smiled, "Welcome to the land of the living dude."

John B added impressed, "No CPR needed, huh?"

Rory breathed in relief, as her brother hugged her tightly. He stopped, noticing Kie's hand on his shoulder.
She smiled, "Hi."

"'Sup?" JJ flirted, as Kie pushed his head away whilst the group laughed.

"Always lookin' for attention, right?" John B chuckled.

"I do what I gotta do." JJ replied sarcastically.

Pope looked at the boat in the distance, watching as the crew gathered around the Cross. He shook his head, "This shit ain't over."

John B agreed, "No, it ain't."

After hours on the boat, the Pogues arrived at a deserted island. The group had to push the boat ashore as it had run out of fuel, as they all rested in the sand. Sarah clapped slowly, "Good job, guys."

"Anybody know where we're at?" JJ questioned as he sat down up against a palm tree.

"Deserted beach. Unknown island." Pope deadpanned.

"I'll take that as a no." JJ replied sarcastically, "Plan A worked out well, huh, Pope?"

"This is literally the lowest we can go." Pope stated, "We have nothing else to lose. The Cross, gone. The gold, gone."

Rory nodded, "If we had a buck for each time we got beat up, we'd be Kooks."

John B huffed, standing up, "Guys, this is it. This is the Pogue Life. We are in the Caribbean. It's our own little slice of paradise. With my best friends, with my family. I wouldn't wanna do it with anyone else." He paused, "While you guys were complaining about every little thing, I was looking at those burly lefts."

John B pointed to the waves, in which Rory and JJ smirked. Kie sighed, "We don't have boards."

"We can body surf?" Rory suggested, as she stood up before offering a hand to Sarah.

Sarah shook her head, "I don't know how."

"Come on, I'll teach you." Rory smiled.

"The waves do look tasty." Pope agreed, "And the island does belong to us now, huh?"

"I claim the Poguelandia." JJ announced in an accent, "I'm gonna make a flag with a chicken on it. With a coconut bra, smoking a J, in crocs."

This was it. The life that Aurora had always dreamed of having. No father, no school, no problems- just her real family. Aurora could get used to this Island.

season 2 complete!!
I'm literally sobbing I don't want this book to end.


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