chapter12 : battle between us

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* rengoku pov*

I stumbled back as I felt a punch land on my right shoulder.
"Ahh!" I yelled trying to get back on my feet . ' what the hell is that ?' I looked up at him to find him... Punching in the...air?.
"Wha-"I was hit on my face by something invisible. 'he is punching the air but it directly hits me, how ?' I stood up and ran around the area to avoid direct attacks .
"AHHH!!!" I yelled gripping my right shoulder looking at it as my eyes widened with fear.
"My...arm" it was lying on the floor . My yukata was covered in my own blood.'it isn't hurt that much ' I was distracted by my wound that I didn't notice akaza coming up to gripping my neck tight against a tree.
" You are still weak kyojuro~" he snickered .
"H-he-help " I managed to choke out .
" Aww~ kyojuro you must know that there is no one here to help you " he said griping my throbbing arm . 'is it .... Regenerating?'  I thought .
" Well... Would you look at that you are already growing your arm back" he said slowly moving his hand towards it .
"AHHH!" He grabbed my regenerating arm and stopped it by crushing it. 
" You need your punishment for running away kyojuro " he started crushing it more
"Ahh!" I needed to get help.


Both our heads turned to that direction to find a slayer looking at us with his blade up.
"Re...rengoku-sama are... Are you here?"
" Oh~ it seems we have a guest kyojuro "
"N-no...r-run" I tried to tell the slayer.
" Shut up!" Akaza said as he slapped me .
"Stay here I have to take care of something" he threw me against a tree making my head hit against a tree .

*third  person pov*

Rengoku was thrown against a tree by the uppermoon who was now looking at young slayer .
" Rengoku-sama!'' the slayer rushed to get the demon hashira only to be caught by Akaza .
"Ahhh!, Let me go!!" The slayer said trying hard to get away .
" Well kyo~ your idea failed" the demon smirked .
"Let him...go " rengoku said slowly standing up.
"Or what ? " Akaza gripped the slayer's throat as he chuckled.
"Let go !" Rengoku growled .
" No"
Rengoku charged at akaza with flames and grabbed akaza by his arm and threw him aside saving the slayer. 
"Re-rengoku-sama "
" Stay here "
Rengoku had grown two horns on his forehead. His eyes had now turned into cat like slits . He was raging mad. His left eye was dripping blood.
"How dare you."
" I told you to let him go didn't I "
"You bastard, I should have killed you that day." Akaza puched rengoku in the face making  rengoku stumble back and attack akaza back .
" I will kill you if you touch any one here "
"You can't , you are too weak kyojuro"
"I will show you who is weak"
"Chi kijutsu: Kaen-kyū blood demon art : flame ball" 
"Chi kijutsu: Metsubō: Rashinban blood demon art: destructive death: compass needle " both demon's attacked eachother with their demonic abilities while they destroyed their surroundings in process.
*An hour later *

Both demon's were panting as they stood against each other .

*Rengoku pov*

I felt like I was burning up . I looked at the slayer and went a stood in front of it . I have to protect him. I used too much of my power , I noticed the horns and the marks reduce.
"Kyojuro~ why are... You still protecting him "
" It is my duty to protect them''
" And you are a demon, now you have to eat them"
" Never!" I yelled at akaza .
He looked up and so did I and noticed a the sky lighting up . I have to take this slayer and get them to safety , akaza can't come when the sun is up he will burn. Wait . Does that....

Does that mean I will also


I was interrupted from my thoughts by the slayer pulling my haori.i looked at it .
" Re-rengoku-sama "
"Yes "
" The water , insect and sound pillars were sent to look for you with us "
" Are... Are they here ?"
" Yes , they might be close by "
" So can you get to them on your own ?"
" I don't know " I guess I will have to get him back . Where is akaza ? I don't have enough time to look for him I have take this slayer to the others, the dawn is approaching faster. I bent down and turned my  back to the slayer .
" Get on my back"
"I am sorry what?"
" Get on my back I will get you back to the pillars "
" Ok" I picked him up  and started walking towards the exit .
" Hey what's your name ?"
" Huh, I am Kai "
"I see , how old are you ?"
" 14"
" Are you a new slayer ?"
"Yes!" The kid told me . He reminds me of senjuro .
" Can I ask you something"
" Of course  rengoku-sama "
" Are you afraid of me, like I am demon" I was a bit scared .
" No"
"Why not ?"
" Because you are kind and you protected me and my friends and now you are taking me back " he giggled

I guess I can still be useful .

" We are here "
" Come rengoku-san"
" I can't"
" Why "
" I will burn if I come under the sun"
" I see , please wait here I will bring someone to help you "
" Ok" I don't have any other choice .
The kid turned to walk and call some one .
" I guess I will stay here " I sat down under the tree . What is today's date .
I don't know how long I have been out for .

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