chapter 6 : those eyes of bloodlust

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*tanjiro pov*

I was woken up by a loud thud . I looked around.
"What time is it ?" I looked out of the window ' it is still night, what was that sound ?'
I got off my bed . I started walking to shinobu-san's room to tell her about the sound

*Shattering sound*

"What is that sound ''. I heard some footsteps.
'is it coming from rengoku-san's room?' I though as I ran towards his room . ' did he wake up !?' I was excited at he though and smiled I ran to the door ' rengoku-san must need my help !' I opened the door and screamed on top of my lungs as I saw the sight before me . Rengoku-san was missing with everything destroyed and a shattered window.
Tears were staining my cheeks .
"Wha-what , happened" was I stuttering ?.
I brought myself together and remained calm I grabbed rengoku-san's katana and looked forward at the shattered window and destroyed room with an empty bed .
" I am coming rengoku-san!" I shouted and called for aoi and shinobu-san .
'should I wait for them ?'
"No,it will be too late " saying that I went out of the shattered window to look for rengoku-san .
" Rengoku-san , are... You here ?!" I yelled into the distance to only get footsteps as an answer . I followed the footsteps only to find rengoku-san being carried by someone. 'this is bad I have to stop them!'
" Stop!!!, Leave rengoku-san alone " I yelled increasing my speed as much as I can . I ran through the forest to only find the figure missing .

I stopped and sense a attack from the side I deflecting the move with the katana . I couldn't maintain my stance because of the intensity of the punch and fell down. ' damn it , the wounds haven't healed yet '  I thought looking over the trees as I stood up using the katana as support .

* No one's pov*

As soon as the kamado stood up he was attacked again with something that he couldn't even see . The effect caused him to hit the near by tree with a loud cracking sound . Tanjiro winced at the feeling as he broke his arm.
"I... I have to ... Get rengoku-san back..." He stood back up with immense effort. 
" Rengoku-san!!!" He yelled as he started running towards the said man's scent .
" I am coming !" Tanjiro yelled as he made his way through the thick forest soon to find the flame head lying on the ground motionless .
"Rengoku-san!, I am coming " saying that he rushed to the man to only get hit by another one of the invisible punchs on his abdomen .
Tanjiro lay in the ground coughing as he held his stomach . ' what the hell is that thing' .  Just as he was trying to move towards the flame head he noticed something coming from the bushes . He looked up to see a golden pair of eyes that were filled with bloodlust looking down on him .
"" just as he was getting his head to think straight he noticed the strange writing on those eyes.
It read

'uppermoon three '.  In kanji

"Weak and pathetic brat..." Said the golden eyed demon just as he made his way to rengoku to pick him up .
" Stop... Give him...back" tanjiro said as he fell unconscious.
" Annoying brat " saying that the demon took a giant leap and starting running away carrying the injured hashira .
" Finally, I managed to get to you kyojuro" the upper moon said smirking at the unconscious flame hashira .
" You don't know how much trouble I went through because of you" the demon said looking up into the night sky and slightly turning back to see the others coming to aid the boy he almost killed .
" That brat is annoying " saying that the demon disappered with the hashira into the forest .


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