chapter 9 : demon?

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*rengoku pov*

"How did you sleep kyojuro~"
" What the bloody hell do you mean demon!" I shouted as I tried to stay calm .
" Calling me a 'demon'  isn't pleasing kyojuro , especially after I saved you life~"he said as started walking towards me having a smirk plastered on his face . ' God I hate this man!, I have to get out of here ' .
I tried to move to be only stopped by chains that held me back .
" What is this!?"
" Oh, kyojuro don't you know what these are ? Well these here are called chains " he told me as he picked the chains up .
" Why am I chained here !? Am I not supposed to be your food ?"
" What? You really haven't realized have you kyojuro~" he claimed over my bed and got on top of me while slowly tracing his hands through my yukata.
" Wha-what are you doing?!"
"Nothing..." Just as he said that he removed the upper portion of my yukata revealing my chest.' what the hell is he doing'.
"What are you doing demon!"
" Well... Look at it yourself kyojuro~" oh I hate it when he says my name.
I slowly got up and used the head board to lean on . I looked at my chest which now had flame patterns all across it .
"Wh-what is this supposed mean demon!?" I yelled
" This is your new form demon " he slowly got off as he said that.
" What..." I was breaking down at this point . ' I...I got turned into a could I let this happend ?'
"Well while you were busy dying I gave you my blood through your wounds " he smirked at me I growled at it .

* Akaza pov*

I stood up and started walking towards the door. I opened the door and before exiting I looked at him with a smirk .
" Stay right here, I will be back " he looked at me and turned his head to the side.' his audacity...not to worry I will show him who is the master here today"
I went out and locked the door behind me .' he can't get the chains off can he ?. Even if he did I will get him back ' I went outside to get some food (humans).

I went out and I notice a few slayers heading this way . I went ahead and caught one by the neck and slowly lifted it from the ground  as he screamed , gaining the attention of the others .
I looked at them as I choked the boy .
" Well would you look at that... My food came to me..." I looked at them .'these brats... They won't fight would they?' I thought as I slowly went close to them with the boy passed out in my hands .
" Come on fight me !"
"Let go of him!" One from the group of 5 said as they got prepared to attack me .
" Quite brave of you to think you can kill me " I dropped the other boy I was holding and attacked this one .
Just as I was about to kill that boy I felt something in the bushes.

*Third person pov*

There was a little movement from the bushes . The uppermoon looked at it and just as he was about to attack the boy his hands were cut of and a trail of flames were left behind .
" What th-" akaza was interupted by a sudden slash on the back .
" That is not enough to kill me. Who ever you are show yourself and fight like a man !" Akaza shouted and was left without an answer .
" Well... If you don't come out..." The uppermoon grabbed one of the boys using his arms and kicked him hard, forcing him to hit the ground with a loud thud . The force of the kick caused the boy to yell out in pain and cough blood . The uppermoon them put his leg over the boy's chest.
" Come out and fight me or I will kill this boy !" He yelled into the forest . Still no answer .
" Well then on the count of three he dies" he yelled  forced the boy down .
"  Ichi !" No answer.
"Ni " still the silence and the muffled screaming of the slayers
"San!... I see , well boy your are dying " he lifted his leg to crush the boy beneath him . A loud thud. The boy was gone and the ground was shattered into pieces .
"Well then I shall ki-" Akaza's eyes widened as he looked beneath his feet to find nothing except for the ground .
"What the hell ..." He looked around to find the boy being held close by a person , who was now also protecting the group of demon slayers as well .
Akaza squinted his eyes to have a betted view due to all the dust covering the area .
To only find and person with flame like hair that flowing beneath his waist , wearing a white yukata and red pants with a nichirin blade on this right hand facing his with blood coming out of one of his eyes .

The demon pillar/demon rengoku au (Story:1) Where stories live. Discover now