chapter 5: what is happening

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*no one's pov*

Shinobu entered the flame hashira's room to find the kamado sleeping next to the hashira hugging him.
"Ara Ara , I though they might get attacked by a demon" shinobu said taking her hand off her katana and sighing
" Kocho-san! Are th-"
" They seem to be sleeping, so shall we keep it down aoi-chan ?"
"Aoi-chan'' shinobu whispered
"I mean , of course " aoi said softly

*Shinobu pov*

"Shall we go outside and talk aoi-chan " I said my most soft voice
"Yes kocho-san"
I went ahead having aoi follow me I closed the door and asked her to come to my room to speak
"Now, aoi-chan would you mind explaining the situation to me more clearly" I said with a smile
"Of course"aoi said with confidence
"Well then please continue"
" Kocho-san, well I guess I could begin from the the time when tanjiro woke up "
"Well, tanjiro had asked me to take him to rengoku-san and after a bit I agreed to take him... In the evening when everything was done I took him to rengoku-san's room. When we were about to enter tanjiro said that he smelt a demon's scent in the room and that I should be reporting that to you immediately. I went to report this matter to you asking tanjiro to protect himself and rengoku-san if needed and I left . That's all that happened when you were away kocho-san"
I looked away " I see..."
"Kocho-san can...can I ask you something?" This time she I a bit worried
"Yes , please go ahead"
" Well, should we inform oyakata-sama about this?"
I would admit it . That question caught me . ' if we do well oyakata-sama will be worried , I should just ask him to let me stay back till kyojuro wakes up' I thout to myself.
" Because I will ask oyakata-sama to let me stay back " I smiled at her
"Ok... But kocho-san , do you know what is going on there "
Again another question that caught me .
"I am sorry aoi, but I don't " I said frowning a little. " But I will protect all of you and them with my life " I patted her shoulder .
" Thank you, kocho-san"
I nodded

*Aoi pov*

Kocho-san reminds me on kanae-san a lot .'they are siblings after all' I thought .
A question popped up in my head . It make me become uncomfortable. 'should I ask her?'
'no, I shouldn't'
'she did say she will protect us, so I guess she wouldn't mind me asking . Right?...'

all these thoughts were flooding my mind .

"No, I shouldn't"
"What do you mean aoi-chan"

And I said it out loud .

Shit I thought will getting uncomfortable by second.

"Umm...well kocho-san I wanted to ask you a question."
"Sure go ahead"
" Do you think any demon might have entered the mansion... While you were away?"
I was scared at the thought of a demon being powerful enough to enter through the mansion passing the wisteria poison. I looked at kocho-san . 'well she looks... Umm... How can I put it confused... Fazed perhaps'. I noticed he looking at me 'oh, I was staring ' I cover it all up with a slight smile . She smiled back at me .
"Well I don't know, since it has been over a week since rengoku-san's treatment I don't think it might be the demon particles I found in his body ."
"I see" I said looking down deep in thought only to be snapped back to reality by kocho-san.
" Aoi-chan what were you thinking?"
"Umm...nothing, please continue" I said turning my attention back to her .
"Well , as I was saying I will ask tanjiro about it after he wakes up "
"Yes kocho-san,may I take my leave now " I said bowing my head in a polite manner
"Of course aoi-chan, goodnight " she smiled as she said that and I raised my head to meet her eyes .
" Arigato kocho-san" I stood up .
"Oyasumi" I said bowing .
"Oyasumi aoi-chan" as she said that I left the room and closed the door .

As I walked through the corridors I couldn't help but be afraid of a demon attacking me . As I was about to. Go to rengoku-san's room and shut the lights I heard a sound .
" Wh-who is it "
Then I heard something walk behind me . ' is it a demon ? Should i call for kocho-san? '
I slowly turned my head to the top where I heard the sound from .
I saw a person with a boar head chuckling as he hanged on the wooden surface of the roof .
I was numb . I couldn't move .
I realized that I wasn't doing anything .
I screamed on top of my lungs and ran inside rengoku-san's room and shakes tanjiro awake still yelling.

*Tanjiro pov*

I woke up to a sudden yelling and the next thing I knew I  was being shaked wake my aoi .
" Aoi-chan, what happend!?" I told her as I made her still by griping her shoulder
" There is a... Demon outside!!!" She yelled looking at me .
" Please stay calm and be by rengoku-san's side I will get his katana to protect ourselves, ok " I said running to grab the katana ' how did a demon get in , where is shinobu-san I hope she I here '
I grabbed the katana a stood in front of rengoku-san and aoi-chan .
"Is shinobu-san here?"
"Yes , she will come here as quick as possible "
I heard some footsteps and I gripped on my sword tightly and tool my stance . 'this is bad I can't fight a demon in state '
I heard the footsteps getting louder and closer and I was sweating .

I heard the door click open and as I was about to enter I noticed shinobu-san standing there .
" Shinobu-san there is a demon outside !!"
" Oh, don't worry about it tanjiro-kun" she said as she lifted her arm up slightly to reveal an unconscious inosuke
"Inosuke!" I yelled as I grabbed him
"He is back from the mission and tried to enter the room without us noticing, but he was making a scene so I knocked him out " shinobu-san said with a very warm smile. ' well she is person who will kill you while smiling '  I thought to myself .
"Aoi-chan please take him to a room and tanjiro-kun please go and sleep we have a lot to talk about tomorrow " she said gently patting me on my shoulder.
' well don't disobey the queen ' I sighed and looked up with a smile .
"Oyasumi shinobu-san " I said waving at her and Turing to exit the room .
"Oyasumi tanjiro-kun"
" And you moron I will teach you a lesson tomorrow" aoi said dragging inosuke to his room . ' well I hope he will not get any fatal injuries' . Saying that I went to my room . I was super tired and went to bed I touched nezuko's box softly "oyasumi nezuko " I turned off the lights and in a minute or two I feel into a deep slumber

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