"All teams report to the locker room in five minutes."  The announcer said over the speaker.

We all stood in a circle around Johnny. "You've all learned to strike first, To be aggressive, not be losers." He looked at some of the smaller kids.

"I taught you to strike hard, put every ounce of your power behind everything you do. But I haven't taught you the third rule of Cobra Kai." He paused. "No mercy."  He looked at me, Hawk, and Miguel.

"The older you get, the more you're gonna learn that life isn't fair." We nodded at his words. "You wake up one morning feeling great, and then life throws a spinning heel kick to your balls, takes a big steaming shit in your mouth" 

"Ew." I mumbled.

"you get an "F" on a test, you get suspended. You fall in love with a girl, and some other dude comes and steals her away. Or vice versa" He continued. I glance over at Hawk, quickly looking back at Johnny.

"Car gets set on fire. Just when you think things are going good, everything falls apart. That's how it goes." He aggressively points his fingers at the floor. "Life shows no mercy, so neither do we."

We all nod at his words. "We do whatever it takes to keep our heads above water. We do whatever it takes to keep moving forward." His voice gets louder. "We do whatever it takes to win!"

"Remember who you are. You're badass! you don't give a shit! You kick ass! You're Cobra Kai." He finishes.

"Cobra Kai!" Miguel yells.

"Hell Yeah!" I yell back.

"Yeah!" Everybody else yells.

"All right, guys. Let's get down there and kick the shit out of everybody!" Johnny yells.

"Yeah!" We all yell. Miguel takes off his backpack and starts taking out his gi.

"No." Johnny tells him. "You're not wearing those." He smiles.


I stand behind Miguel, wearing our new black gi. The announcer introduces all of the other dojos that are competing. 

"From Reseda, returning to the tournament, we have--" We interrupt him by running in chanting "Cobra kai." We go to our designated spot, Everybody cheering for us.

"Now that's what I call an entrance!" Everybody cheers again. "And a badass name for a dojo! Let's hear it for Cobra Kai!" The cheering gets louder.

"Whoo! Go, Hawk!" I hear moon cheer from the bleachers. I roll my eyes and shake my head. Of course, she's here.

"And finally, fighting unaffiliated from North Hills, we have Mr. Robby Kenne." He finishes. Some people cheer for him.

He passes by us, Smirking at Johnny, and goes to his spot. "All right, folks. Get ready. It's karate time." Everybody cheers again. All of this cheering is going to give me a headache. 

Up first was Miguel and a kid from a dojo I don't remember. Miguel won the first point by using the crane kick and easily won the last two points.

Aisha went up after Robby, winning the round after a harsh punch to the face. "Go, Aisha!" I Cheered.

I'm All Yours- Eli "Hawk" MoskowitzOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora