54: The B Team

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"Nice work, John B." JJ remarked sarcastically, "Do you know these things lock from the outside, right?"

"I was trying to get us onto the boat, JJ." John B replied, "I wasn't thinking that far ahead."

"Well, now we're stuck in here like rats." JJ complained, "In this death cage!"

Pope panted, "Okay, JJ, you're not helping."

"You don't have a whole lot of room to talk right now, Pope." JJ replied, "You said you had a plan, but what happened to the thinking ahead?"

"I find your lack of self-knowledge disturbing." Pope deadpanned.

JJ chuckled in disbelief, as he argued, "Last I checked, you literally shot an oil container. Remember that-"

"Oh my God! Shut up." Kiara raised her voice, "Shut up! Pull it together."

The boys fell silent, as they both sat down in defeat, trying to think of a plan to escape. Kiara sat down next to Rory, who had been in silence ever since they boarded the boat.

Kie breathed, "You okay?"

"Yeah." Rory replied, as she stared into the distance, but it wasn't very convincing. She added, "Just thinking."

Kiara frowned, "About what?"

Rory hesitated, "Sarah."

"She's gonna be okay." Kiara comforted, then she smirked to herself as she remembered Rory's crush on her. She whispered, "Any luck with... you know?"

Rory looked at Kie, as she smiled slightly, "Yeah, we're kind of girlfriends now."

"What!" Kiara shouted in shock, before she quietened her voice and shook Rory's arm, "That's great! I mean, I'm so happy for you! Wait, hang on, since when?"

Rory explained, as she blushed just thinking about it, "Last night. We kissed at the station."

"Very romantic." Kie cooed, as she held Rory's hand. She paused for a moment, as she smiled at Rory, "I'm really happy for you."

"Hey, Pope?" JJ's voice caused the girl's to rejoin the boys' conversation. They walked over to the group, as he asked, "How'd you kill a snake?"

"You go for the head." Pope replied in exhaustion, as he wiped the sweat from his forehead.

JJ explained, "Exactly. But the head, in this instance, is the bridge. To take the bridge we need maximum firepower, and I happen to know there's an armoury on this ship in case of pirate attacks."

"Pirate attacks?" Kie scoffed, "You lost me."

"I'm not just talking pistols." JJ added, "I'm talking knives-"

"Killing everybody here is not the plan." Kie disagreed, as she walked away from the group.

"Alright, we lost her." JJ continued, "Im serious. If we get to the armoury, I'm talking AK's, pistols, knives, double-barrels.."

"JJ!" John B interrupted, "We gotta get out of here. We can't do anything if we're still stuck in here."

"If I get enough pressure, I can Spartan kick that thing open." JJ exclaimed.

"You're not kicking shit." Rory deadpanned.

"Stop it, stop it." Pope insisted, as JJ took a step back from the locked door to try and get a run up, "Stop it!"

"Guys." Kie spoke from the other side of the container, "Guys!" The Pogues rushed towards her, as she stared up at the vent, "Can we fit through that?"

"Hell yeah." JB replied, "Nice one, Kie."

JJ asked sarcastically, "What was that about a Swiss Army knife not coming in handy?"

"Just stop it." John B insisted.

JJ used his knife to unscrew the vent, as he explained, "Okay, we raid the armoury, get weapons, roll back here, and plot our next move. The armoury is on the third deck, near the laundry room. Let's roll-"

"JJ, hold up." Pope interrupted, "I don't think we should all go out there. It's too risky."

John B agreed, "I think you should stay here."

"What?" JJ took offence, "Why?"

"Pope has the cross to go after." John B explained, "And I'm gonna go after Sarah-"

Rory frowned, "No- What? I am."

"I'm not having you get shot out there." John B replied.

"Are you saying I'm not capable because I'm a girl?" Rory argued, "Oh my God, you're such a man."

"What? No!" John B defended, "What does that even mean?"

Kiara replied, "Men are douches."

"Men are douches." Rory nodded, high-fiving the girl.

John B stared blankly, speechless by what the girl's had said, before turning to JJ, "Also, if you go out there, there's 100% probability that you're gonna do something stupid."

"Okay, first of all, I think the correct terminology is ballsy. Not stupid." JJ argued smartly, "Dude, I'm a field player!"

John B shushed JJ, "If we go out there, and we get in the bind, we need somebody to look out for us. That's what we need."

"Okay, I get it. I get it." JJ huffed, "I'll be on the B team."

John B frowned, "I never said B team."

"Im sorry are you calling us the B Team?" Kiara asked, as she folded her arms across her chest.

"Men are douches." Rory repeated, "The case is settled."

"Didn't mean to offend you." JJ replied sarcastically, as Rory smacked him around the back of the head.

"Oi!" JJ raised his voice, as he attempted to run after her, but Pope held him back, but Rory had already hidden behind Kie.

"Did B Team not just find our way out, it am just totally tripping?" Kiara questioned sarcastically.

"Just hang back." Pope instructed, "Hold down the fort."

"Great. Looking forward to it." JJ replied sarcastically, "You guys have fun. It's your funeral. Ill be here, on the bench, chillin'..."

"Hey..." Kiara held Pope and JB's shoulders, "Don't get shot. That's all I got."

Pope paused, "That's disheartening and scary."

"Positive affirmations, Kie." John B added, as they made their way up to the vent.

sorry for the late publish i was busy with my GCSEs!!
ALSO i thought i got logged out of my account and cried for hours😘

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