As their lips finally touched, Maya's tongue came to caress the Italian's and she let out a breath of relief. Carina knew that although she didn't say anything about it, it had been two months since her trachelectomy was still working on the captain's mind. She felt her hesitating every time she had to touch her and knew that since this incident, Maya's desire to carry life had been reawakened and that she spent her nights, when she wasn't sleeping, reading articles about the journey of women who had undergone the same surgery and who had or had not succeeded in getting pregnant and about the increased risk of miscarriage.

So it had been two months since the brunette felt her partner was afraid of intimacy on herself and she saw that she was struggling to be them always. It was very often before she touched her that she felt Maya hesitating. As soon as she was inside her, that fear almost vanished.

The blonde's hand had slid down her cheek a little more, running her fingertips against her neck and they had intensified their kiss.

Carina's hand had slid down her girlfriend's body and had come to rest on her breast. She had made the captain smile and the hand of this one had gone down of her cheek, to place itself against her neck, whereas the Italian had broken their kiss, to go up her nose against that of the blonde and to smile a little more.

The manager had approached her face and had leaned it a little more, she had opened her lips a little more and the first thing she had felt was the tongue of the blonde who had come to caress hers again, in the way she had always liked their kisses.

Her hand had left her breast and she had slid on her body to come to embrace her size, to stick their two anatomy.

They had kissed for a while, those kisses in particular were Carina's favorites. The ones where she felt a moan leave her throat with each passage of Maya's tongue against hers, or each time their lips left each other to better find each other.

The feet of the brunette had then incited them to turn of a quarter of turn, putting the blonde back to the glass wall of the shower. 

The hands of the Italian had slipped of her back to her hips and she had turned over the blonde against her, then Carina had stuck her naked body to that of Maya.

One of the hands of the training manager had rested on the wall of the shower and the other had slipped on the belly of her lover.

The captain had turned her head slightly to look at her companion, but she had felt her lips come to rest on her jaw. Maya's eyes had closed and her head had leaned back to rest on her girlfriend's shoulder.

The lips of the brunette had passed on the other side of the head of the blonde, she had come to take her lobe between her teeth, then she had kissed her under her ear, before going down in her neck.

The lips of Maya had half-opened and she had pushed a moan, a moan which had even more encouraged her sweetheart to continue.

The Italian had then continued the attack of the skin of her neck of her kisses and the blonde had put her head back on the shoulder of the manager.

Maya had moaned again and Carina's hand had slid down to her sex. Two of her fingers had slid against her vulvar slit and the blonde's eyebrows had furrowed for a moment, before she felt the Italian's hand remain focused on her clit. She had then smiled. She always anticipated the reactions of her body when penetration, even if it was two months. She had trouble telling herself that she was 'okay' and that it wasn't going to hurt. She knew that Carina liked to feel her tight on her fingers and was just afraid that she would insert three fingers into her. With the surgery she had undergone, her uterus had, in addition to being reduced in depth by one centimeter, been closed off to leave only two centimeters of opening. She knew very well that she would never give birth by vaginal delivery and that didn't really matter to her. What she was really afraid of was frustrating her partner, who could no longer make love to her as she had so often done, as she loved.

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