I'm still standing at the entrance but Taehyung went near the bed and lay under the sheets. He must be tired after all these things.

"Y/Nahh why are you standing there ?? Come inside."Taehyung spoke getting me out of my thought and I suddenly replied to him "First I will go and fresh up."  With that, I went to the bathroom and took off my clothes. I turned the shower and let myself get relaxed in it. the water is too cold for my liking. I can't handle this much cold and I  backed away from the shower.

Kim Teahyung POV

Y/N went to take a bath but I heard her muffled moans. What is going on there?? I went To check on her. I went near the door and called her " Y /N any problem "I asked but there is no reply "YIN!" I again called her then she spoke from inside "Water is cold" she said. oh!  that's the matter I thought something else when she moaned. " Y/N turn the tap right side tap. You will get hot water."  I informed her.

after some time she spoke " I can't open it." she whined from inside." open the door I will help you."  I informed her and within a  fraction of a second she replied" No, I will try again" She told and I waited there for a minute.

The bathroom door opened she picked her head outside and asked me "Can you help me" and I  nodded my head as a reply. I am controlling my smile a lot. She looked cute I think my heart will explode.

she then left space for me to enter the bathroom I didn't look at her side because I know she will feel uncomfortable when I see her in just a towel. Even though I have the right to see her as her husband, I will give her space to adjust herself around me as This is just an arranged marriage.

I then  turned the hot shower and she replied "Thank you, Taehyung." I smiled at her in reply. I had a doubt she bought clothes to wear. to clear the doubt I asked her " Y/N Did you bring any clothes to change."

"Holy shit!!" She said and my eyes widened because I never heard her cursing before it's hot though. I smirked internally thinking that ." why... why are you..cursing Y/N " I  asked her why am I stammering because it might be my first time hearing her curse or her wet look how the water droplets dropping from her hair to her eyebrows to her lips to her holy shit.... stop this thing I cursed myself.

"Taehyung, I forget to bring any luggage. it will be in my car. I packed everything but didn't bought here. what will I do now? Fuck me " she said. Please don't curse y/n it's doing something to me that I can't explain. "Y/N you can take any of my shirts from my cupboard," I informed her.

I  looked at her again I just kept eye contact with her and I don't see her fully I keep my eyesight just to see her face. she's blushing right now it must be because I offered my clothes or it's my presence." I will go now and you can  take a refreshing bath."  I said and stepped out of the bathroom and went to bed again.

Kim Y/N pov

Taehyung went outside the bathroom and now I took my towel and started relaxing my nerves in the hot bath. holy shit it's more than awkward to ask him to help me because I am not presentable before him but he is a gentleman. he maintained eye contact with me the whole time and didn't look elsewhere. I went out of the bathroom wrapping up a towel around me.

I then opened the cupboard and searched for something to wear. his cupboard was full of formal wear, I then opened another cupboard and it has some hoodies and T-shirts. I took one pair of shorts which is smaller in size and an oversized black T-shirt to match the shorts. It is a little bit loose for me but it's OK as it covers up to my knees And the T-shirt is perfect for my liking and then I dried my hair.

I called my dad to get my stuff here and went outside the dressing room to look for Taehyung but he is not there. I heard the door knob sound and Taehyung entered the room with a towel around his neck. He is wearing some comfy clothes, then he took a bath somewhere.

" Taehyung, where did you go?" I asked him and he replied, " I just went to the guest room to freshen up." " but yoongi oppa must be there nah?? Didn't he stay here?" I asked him with a confused expression. " Yeah, he is staying there but he is fast asleep....hmmm Y/N How do you know yoongi hyung??" He asked me.

" he is my psychiatrist " I replied briefly. " how do you know him ??? " I asked him and he replied while taking a seat in the bed. " he is my middle school senior. He never told me about you and then why are you standing Y/N?? Come and sit here.  Aren't you tired?" He said to me while patting the place near to him for me to take a seat. I went near him and placed myself near him at a comfortable distance. It's not like I'm not comfortable with him but I'm not a socialistic person. These things are new to me like I never shared a room with anyone before. I didn't even have a sleepover at my friend's house. I didn't have a lot of friends.

He then just threw the towel on the lampstand and he laid flat on the bed but here I'm still staring at him without knowing what to do next. He then looked at me and showed his signature boxy smile. He again patted the place next to him.

I don't know what to do now. I just blinked my eyes multiple times and asked him whether he is telling me to lay next to him with my expression indicating the index finger towards me. He chuckled at me and mumbled a 'cute'. How can he call me that?

"Don't tell me cute." I snapped at him and he again laughed at my statement . " whatever you say you are really cute Y/N. Are you going to sit all night there? Come here." He said and I accepted my defeat. I took my phone out of my pocket and placed it on the lampstand. I laid next to him.

" I called appa and told him to get my clothes here. By the way, thank you Taehyung for your clothes." I thanked him genuinely while turning his side to face him. " ohh.. yeah it's a good thing but I thought that I can see you more in my clothes. It looks good on you." He told me while tackling a stang of hair behind my ears which is falling on my face. I suddenly felt the blood rushing to my cheeks. Why are you doing like this Taehyung?? I suddenly turned my gaze to the ceiling to hide my blush but he saw that and chuckled at me.

" Good night, Y/N. Rest well." He said and switched off the light. "Good night, Taehyung. Sweet dreams." I said to him in the darkness. I suddenly felt a hand On my waist. I was stunned at first and to be true my heart stopped. I can feel his breath near my neck. " Taehyung,wh.. what..what are you doing?" I asked him while stammering. I have never stammered before not even in the worst times.

He just snuggled close to me and answered my question " I love to cuddle you know." "So," I asked him. "  So I will cuddle with you and the funny fact is you smell like me." He said while sniffing me. I got goosebumps because of his behaviour but I smiled at him without my knowledge. So I just let him be like this and I tried to sleep.

Within a few minutes, he started to snore. He must be tired or how can someone sleep this quickly? His snores are uneven and I can hear his breath in this silent room. The only light in this room is the moonlight and he looks cute while snoring with his lightly parted lips. I tried to sleep for a long time and I don't know when I fell asleep.

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