╰┈➤ 𝙛𝙚𝙚𝙡 𝙞𝙩 𝙩𝙤𝙤

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Y/N stared at a wall, still stunned from the events that happened last night.

"Repeat that."

"Pardon me?"

"What did you just say?"

"I said I'm going to get the Killing Part for Y/N. Do you have a problem with that?"

She shivered, remembering the cold look both men gave each other before Zhang Hao excused himself and went to his dorm. What have I gotten myself into, she thought, pulling her hair. Get a grip! We need to film the Signal Song Evaluations today. She got up, and started setting up the room for the performances the trainees were to do individually in front of the masters.

A few hours later, a group of three mentors filed into the room; Lip J, Choi Youngjoon, and Lee Seokhoon.

"Annyeonghaseyo," Y/N said and bowed while greeting them warmly.

"Y/N?!?" They all said, shocked at seeing her there.

"It's been so long!" Lip J said, giving her a hug.

Because of her time in Produce 48, Y/N had been given the opportunity to meet a lot of survival show mentors, not just the ones on Produce 48, and she happened to be decently close with most of the Boys Planet Mentors.

"Are you here as a guest?" asked Youngjoon, also giving her a hug.

"No, just as a staff member. Shocking, right?" she said with a small smile after seeing their eyes widen.

"Are you happy with what you're doing now? How are you feeling?" asked Seokhoon.

"Yes, yes, of course! I'm doing fantastic. You're going to need a lot of strength today after doing all the evaluations. Fighting!" said Y/N, and the four had another big group hug before they got to their positions.


The next few hours were long and arduous. As trainee after trainee entered the room, she could feel the atmosphere getting stuffier and more tiring. The Masters were putting on a strong face, but she knew that they were also exhausted too. Occasionally, when a stellar trainee came in, they sat up straight and enjoyed the performance, but the performances by the trainees who didn't do as good were dull and painful to watch.

Finally, it ended and Y/N got up while stretching with a yawn. She checked the time, and got up with a start. I was almost going to miss the evaluation results, I should go and start setting up the cameras for the shoot! She quickly gathered the equipment and ran off to the large gym to start preparing.

As the nervous trainees filed into the room, Y/N positioned the camera and directed the rest of their staff to their spots. This was the first time in some days that both the G group and K group had gathered together in the same room, and the mood was feeling tense. As all the trainees finished coming in, the masters came behind them with their clipboards and evaluation sheets.

"We are now going to reveal the long anticipated Killing Part for the Signal Song," Baek Kooyoung said, and the trainees started a drumroll.

"The candidate from the G Group is... Zhang Hao!" Y/N covered her mouth in happiness as he came out of the crowd, a shy smile on his face. They locked eyes for a moment then both looked away, blushing.

"The candidate from the K Group is... Hanbin!" Y/N clapped her hands in happiness as Hanbin stepped up. He turned his head, looking for someone, and when he spotted her, he gave her a wink and flashed a grin.

"The person who will get the Killing Part is..." the entire room held their breath, anticipating what was going to come. "Sung Hanbin! Congratulations!" Hanbin's smile widened, and all the K Group trainees started slapping him on the back while congratulating him. G Group looked upset, but they comforted Zhang Hao who tried to hide his disappointment.

After the announcement was completed, all the trainees filed out of the room, but Zhang Hao and Hanbin stayed behind. Hanbin ran up to her and pulled her into a hug.

"See, I told you I could do it!" he said while spinning her around.

"Aish, put me down," she said while laughing and patting his arm. "You did well, I'm happy for you. Also, Zhang Hao, don't worry you are as talented and amazing and I'm sure there will be other opportunities in the future," she said and wrapped her arms around him in a hug, and he hugged her back while resting his chin on her shoulder. Hanbin's smile faded a little.

Y/N pulled away first, and coughed, realizing that the atmosphere got a whole lot more awkward. "Anyway, I'm really happy for you Hanbin. I should get going now, you know, and go prepare for the Signal Song stage," she said hurriedly, and rushed out of the room.

The two men watched her walk out and when she was out of their vision, they turned their attention back to each other.

"Congrats... on getting the part," Zhang Hao said stiffly.

"Thank you..." Hanbin said as Zhang Hao walked past him, toward the exit. Right as Hao's hand touched the doorknob, Hanbin spoke.

"Do you... have feelings for Y/N by any chance?" Hanbin asked, head tilted. Zhang Hao stiffened, and his grip on the knob tightened.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Zhang Hao said a little too quickly, but Hanbin didn't seem to notice.

"Well, that's great, I'm glad that we set that straight," he said with a smile.

"What do you mean?" asked Zhang Hao, gritting his teeth.

"I like Y/N. More than a friend. That's why I was asking," Hanbin said with a brief smile. Hao, too shocked to respond. "See you on the performance day," Hanbin said and pushed past him and left the room, leaving Zhang Hao standing there.


⌦ .。.:*♡ 𝚙𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚎 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎, 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝, 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚏𝚘𝚕𝚕𝚘𝚠 𝚒𝚏 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚎𝚗𝚓𝚘𝚢𝚎𝚍

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