Chapter 39: I'm here

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Kanjoro Hyuga

The male was walking around the halls of the Butterfly Mansion, humming. He felt a lot better after the past few weeks. He may be a demon and can regenerate easily, but the pain was still there. He then stops to take a breath, remembering what had happened. 

The moment he had seen Tanjiro and the other two fighting off Muzan, his first choice was to help him. So, that's what he did. But there was no time for hugs and reuniting. He would need to face Muzan himself.

However, he knew the risks of trying to defeat Muzan himself. Muzan was mainly coming for him too, not just Tanjiro. The reason? To make him turn his back on his friends. To make him the most powerful demon. But Kanjoro wasn't willing to back down from a fight.

At the end, Kanjoro wasn't heavily injured, since he was a demon after all. However, he felt his energy completely drained from him. He was about to pass out. He would need lots and lots of rest after what had happened. When he had recovered, he first met face to face with his father first. Then his uncle, and his aunties. 

Kanjoro had cried, seeing all of them. He had truly missed everyone ever since his disappearance. After the big reunion, he wanted to see Tanjiro next. However, Shinobu stated that he would need some more rest to get his energy back, despite him turning back into a human already. He understood that. However, he really wanted to see Tanjiro again. He hadn't seen him in so long, despite it only being a few weeks.

He also remembered the fact that he wanted to thank Rinna and her friends for helping the three of them reunite with their family and friends. So, he wanted to bring a gift for them. Rinna had stated that it wasn't necessary. However, Kanjoro had insisted on it. So, in return, he had given them a basket full of wisteria to have them decorate the house.

"Hmm... maybe I can find Shinozuka and see how he's doing. I do hope Taeko's going to be alright though..."

He had mumbled out loud with a worried look. He knew Taeko was tough and can get through things. However, he still worried for her. But he was reassured several times by her that she was going to be okay. He continued walking around the halls for a bit. While walking, he got several greetings from the butterfly girls, Aoi, and Kanao while walking. He could tell that they were relieved to see him fine and well after a few weeks.

He then scratched his head, as he tried to look for his friend.  He sighed as he slowly crossed his arms.

"Where's Shinozuka at? I thought it would be easy enough to find him..." He had mumbled once more out loud. He then sighed again.  He didn't really to look for his friend in the entire mansion.

"I'll have to try the training room."

As Kanjoro turned back around to the training room, his footsteps had immediately stopped. His eyes made contact with a familiar male in front of him. His burgundy hair and ruby red eyes had immediately made Kanjoro recognize him.

Tanjiro Kamado.

He was here. They were both here, face to face. Kanjoro couldn't believe it. Neither could Tanjiro. In an instant, Kanjoro felt the emotions take over immediately. He felt himself tearing up. He then felt himself running.

Running over to Tanjiro. Tanjiro had the same idea, since he had ran over to him as well, his arms immediately wrapping around Kanjoro. Tears poured down his face, as he hugged Kanjoro tightly.

"I... I thought I'd lose you again... I thought I'd lose you after what had happened to you, I..."

Tanjiro was stumbling on his words a bit. Kanjoro closed his eyes, still feeling the tears streaming down his face as well.  "I'm here now, Tanji... I'm alright..." He had said to him softly, burying his face into Tanjiro's chest.

"You're alive... you're alive and here...!"

Tanjiro had started to sob quietly, as he held onto Kanjoro tightly in his arms. Kanjoro sniffed, as his head was still on his chest. He had chuckled, despite the tears on his face.  He didn't even bother holding back any of the tears that were coming out.  

"Hey, stop it... you're making me cry too..."

The two of them had cried together for a couple of minutes, as the two of them hugged each other. A few others in the mansion had taken notice of the scene. However, they were smart enough not to disturb them, and left them alone. Despite the two of them being physically close together as of now, Tanjiro's face had turned red for a bit. He stared into Kanjoro's eyes for a few moments.

"K-Kanjoro... may I?" He had begun, stuttering a bit, wanting to ask for his permission first. Kanjoro's face had turned red as well. He then nodded quickly in reply. Tanjiro then immediately leaned in, pressing his lips onto Kanjoro's. Kanjoro's eyes closed immediately, as he returned the kiss. 

Tanjiro wrapped his arm around Kanjoro's waist to prevent him from falling, while Kanjoro wrapped his arms around Tanjiro's neck. Neither Kanjoro nor Tanjiro wanted to pull away from the kiss at this moment. The kiss was passionate yet gentle. Kanjoro had missed these kisses, to admit it. He felt more tears stream down his face, as his eyes were still closed. The two of them pulled away from the kiss, after a few more seconds. Tanjiro had taken notice of the tears in Kanjoro's eyes, and slowly wiped them away with his thumb. 

 "You're finally here... in my arms. I'm not letting you go this time...

"Kanjoro had heard Tanjiro whisper to him. Kanjoro's cheeks heated up, yet a soft smile came on his face. "I'm not leaving this time... okay? Not now, not ever." He had mumbled to him as well. The two of them hugged again, Tanjiro smiling widely.

"I love you so much, Kanjoro. Please don't forget that, okay?"

"Of course, I won't, Tanjiro. I love you too. I love you very much."

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