Chapter 14: Tears of Despair

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Zenitsu Agatsuma

Besides her siblings, there was someone else who had grieved over Taeko's death more than ever. Zenitsu Agatsuma. Well, he was dating her after all. He truly loved her. He loved her inside and out.

And now that she was gone, he felt like as if a piece of him was gone too. She was kind, she was selfless, and she cared for everyone. Those were one of the many reasons he had fallen in love with her. For the past few months, he cried for her every day. A part of him wished that she would come back. Tell him everything was alright. 

But at one point, he had to accept reality. That she was gone. Zenitsu had stared out at the window, tears pouring down his face. His fists clenched. Sure, he usually cried and whined over females rejecting him. But now... this was different.

He cried because he had lost the one who accepted him despite his flaws and such. Taeko had put up with him for so long. Well, at first, she didn't. When he first met her, he was asking for a hand in marriage, just like he would with the other females. And Taeko felt really awkward about it. Well, Taeko was usually awkward with everyone at first. So, for Taeko, she felt like she needed to keep her space from him for a while.

However, she started to warm up to Zenitsu over time. Zenitsu had eventually calmed down around her and started to open up to her as well. Back then, he always saw her as an awkward, and quiet type of person. However, over time, he saw her as a kind, selfless, and a protective person. However, there were also some other traits about her. He also learned that Taeko had a somewhat harsh past that she had gone through. And he had learned that Taeko had grown to be fragile, and her emotions take over her sometimes. She can be a scary one when she loses it. But she did all that for her friends. But Taeko felt like she was scaring others away with those traits. But he always accepted those flaws anyway.

And now, he had lost her. It felt like everything had come crashing down in about a few seconds. Others came to comfort him, but it barely helped. What was he going to do without her?

He had lost the person that accepted him. 

He closed his eyes, remembering all the past events the group had gone through. Taeko had cared for everyone, including him. When he was introduced to Hiroshi, her older brother, he was already scared of him. Why? Well, Taeko told him about her brother, and warned him to be careful in a joking way. And Taeko was right. And same with Hikari. She was a scary one, despite her being the youngest of the siblings. He could never forget the look on her face. However, Hikari had warmed up to him in an instant. Emiko was friendlier as ever to Zenitsu. However, she was also shocked, hearing that they were dating. Despite that, Emiko was supportive.

But over time, the two of them talked more and got along well. Zenitsu was surprised to find out they both had the same breathing styles. But Hiroshi was a bit more experienced on the breathing forms, not just one.

At some points, Nezuko had tried to comfort him, since she was the closest to Taeko. He remembered when he first met Nezuko, he was scared since she was a demon. However, knowing that he was a good demon, he was relieved. But he was scared again, because she was protective of Taeko.

But over the time, Nezuko had gotten used to him around. When he remembered that he had nervously confessed to Taeko, Taeko was rather shocked to hear this. And when she said yes, he couldn't be any happier. 

He always treated her like glass. Something that was fragile. He tried his hardest not to break her and take care of her. When Taeko cried, Zenitsu was always there for her. At most times though, he cried with her. But he always felt like Taeko was always the one protecting him more than anything, despite her emotional personality. Why couldn't he do that for her at some points? Despite that, all of that, Taeko still cared for everyone, nonetheless.

He didn't want to be the one standing aside, trembling at the sight of demons while he watches his friends fight them for much longer. Well, at first, he didn't want to fight. But now, he wanted to help. He didn't care that people thought that this was too much to grieve over one person. He didn't care about that at all. A part of him wanted Taeko back in his arms again.

He snapped back to reality, still feeling the tears in his eyes. He then wiped them away with his haori sleeve before staring out at the window once more. He missed her already.

"I... I miss you, Taeko."

He had mumbled that out loud. He then turned around, seeing his sheathed sword at a corner of the room. He paused for a moment. Why was he looking at it?

He didn't know why, but a part of him told him to pick up the sword and fight. So, that's what he did. He then slowly picked it up, staring at it. Now that he picked it up, he understood what he was doing. He clenched onto it, then slowly closing his eyes. He needed to avenge Taeko. For what Muzan had done to her and the other two Demon Slayers that he was close to. 

He then put it at his side, then opening the door. But before he could start walking off, he turned around. He saw a demon girl with a bamboo muzzle in her mouth. Nezuko Kamado, Tanjiro's younger sister. She saw Zenitsu walk out, and a worried look came on her face.

Zenitsu's face formed a sad smile. He then turned away from the demon. He then sighed.

"I'm sorry. I'm going to go after him. For her."

He then ran out of the hallway and out of the Butterfly Mansion. Nezuko had only stood there with a worried look on her face. She couldn't do anything about it. And unfortunately, she couldn't find her brother and tell him either.

Because he had ran off in the same direction to fight too.

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