Chapter 28: Reunited

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"Come on, Kanjoro, don't give up yet!"

"He's still alive!  Don't let him get to you!"

Kanjoro had stopped to catch his breath.  Many wounds were inflicted on him, although they healed quickly.  Despite that, he was completely exhausted.  And even so, he couldn't give up.

"Well, looks like you've completely given up.  For once, I'll be nice.  You surrender, and I don't have to grab you by the shoulder to take you.  We can walk over there peacefully."  Kanjoro had heard Akaza's taunting voice.  He grit his teeth, as he slowly got back up.  He wiped the blood that was dripping from his mouth.

"I'll... never go with you.  Not now, not ever."  He had muttered under his breath.  Akaza had sighed softly, shrugging a little.  "Fine, if you want to do this the hard way, then the hard way it is then."  Kanjoro had suddenly noticed a fist coming towards Akaza.  His instincts told him to jump out of the way.  But he was far too exhausted to move.  He tensed up, hoping to defend himself with his sword.

All of a sudden, a spiral of white flames had blocked Kanjoro's path.  He had a surprised look on his face at first.  And then, a water spiral had swirled around, then pushing Akaza back.  From behind, Kanjoro could see the surprised looks on everyone's faces.  "Who...?"  Shinozuka had begun.  Kanjoro then took notice that the water and flame had gone away.  And suddenly, two females had jumped in front of Kanjoro.

Seeing the brown pigtails that they both had, Kanjoro could tell that they were both twins.  Wait... twins?

Kanjoro knew a group of twins who had saved him from Muzan once.

"Don't you dare take another step, Akaza!  You're not taking another step near him!"  One of them had pointed out.  She was wearing a sea blue kimono.  The other, a peach-colored kimono.  "What are you doing here, Yuuki?  You know I have unfinished business with him."  Akaza had stated in a firm voice.  The female with the sea blue kimono extended her hands, water coming out of them.

"I don't think so, Akaza.  I really didn't want to do this.  But I know what side I'm standing on now."  The female with the peach kimono had stated in a firm tone of voice.  "You too, huh?  You're lucky I wouldn't hurt you, Haruka.  Nonetheless, both of you need to step out of the way."

Yuuki and Haruka.  Those were the two females that saved him once.  It was all coming back to Kanjoro now.  The male then immediately turned back to the group.  This was a good time for them to get to the headquarters.  "All of you, get to the headquarters now!"  He had ordered.  "W-What about you?!"  Shinozuka had asked.  The male had immediately shaken his head.  "I'll be okay!  Go!"

The group then started walking off, despite them badly wounded.  Despite that, Kanjoro needed to get them away from the scene.  This was his fight, not theirs.  "I was blinded by love to realize that we were never meant to be on the same side.  This ends here."  Haruka had said in a firm voice as well.  White flames came out of her hands.  Akaza had paused for a moment.

"Haruka... you wouldn't hurt the person you love, wouldn't you?  I really did love you the same way you did."  Akaza had pointed out, trying to protest against this.  Haruka had grit her teeth, shaking her head.  "Still trying to convince me, huh?  I admit, I was blinded by love to even hurt you.  I loved you, I really did.  But we're not meant to be on the same side, Akaza.  Face it.  You're done here."

Yuuki then immediately glanced at Kanjoro, nodding at him.  Kanjoro immediately nodded back, quickly understanding Yuuki's sign.  He then picks up his sword, slowly standing up.  Suddenly, Akaza had taken notice that Kanjoro had disappeared in an instant.  Where did he go?  A shout was now heard behind him, as a male came at him.

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