Chapter 20: A sudden attack

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Rinna Watanabe

"You should probably get some rest, Seiya. You were up pretty late for patrol last night." A female had pointed out. A male had yawned quietly and nodded slowly. He then gave the female a worried look.

"I will. But what about you, Rinna? Will you be okay? You don't have to do this." The male had said. The female nodded, then looked out at the window. "It's fine. I'm a lot tougher than you think, Seiya." She had replied. "Alright but wake me up if there's anyone out there. A human or a demon..." The male, Seiya had quickly begun to fall asleep afterwards. Within a matter of seconds, he was asleep. The female, Rinna had smiled a little. She knew that her friend was a heavy sleeper. She wanted him to get some sleep anyway.

The female then walked out, closing the door behind her. She was now out front of her home. She stepped to the porch, seeing if there were any demons around. She needed to keep her guard up for this. Rinna's raven hair was at her back, but a part of her hair had covered one of her eyes. However, she didn't care about that.

Her cyan colored eyes looked around for any demons coming out from the vicinity of her home. She needed to protect this home. Even if no demons had come around to attack, she still needed to be careful. Now that the war had started, she was more vigilant than anything.

Rinna usually had her hearing senses used whenever looking for any demons. So, she was certain that she could use this to her advantage. 

For the next 15 minutes, she felt the cold wind blow past her. It didn't bother her very much though, although her right arm might not take the cold air for much longer. 

She had the standard demon slayer uniform, but in a red color. However, her right arm had remained bare as she wore it. So, Rinna's arm could easily get scratched. However, she wouldn't care too much about it. Her long black hair was tied at the end with a red bow.

All of a sudden, her ears had caught a noise nearby the porch steps. Her eyes widened, as she quickly draws her sword, and aims it towards the direction of the demon. Her eyes had narrowed in anger, knowing that it was one.

The demon had taken notice of her quick instincts. He had chuckled, seeing Rinna's angry expression.

"Well, well... how'd you spot me that quickly?" The demon had asked. "I could hear you here. You really thought I was oblivious?" Rinna had asked, her body tensed up. The demon had laughed.

"I have to admit, I did. But you're a lot smarter than I thought." He had admitted. Rinna narrowed her eyes once more, as she stood over the demon. The demon took a step back, then chuckling. 

"Not to mention you're pretty tall too. How intimidating."

Rinna then sighed, her hand gripping onto her sword tightly. If this demon was trying to flirt with her or even taunt her, then it wasn't working. She then took a deep breath, her breathing kicking in.

"Thunder Breathing, 4th Form, Distant Thunder."

With a swing of her sword, several bolts of lightning started to flash around the demon. What was even more interesting was that the lightning that she summoned was red instead of yellow.

In an instant, Rinna had managed to get the head of the demon with her sword, letting it disintegrate. She turns around, about to walk back. However, she heard another voice behind her.

"She's got him! Everyone, get her!"

Rinna immediately turned around and saw several other demons coming for her. She quickly draws her sword, ready to fight. However, her luck wasn't the best this time.

In an instant, she got several scratches from the demons. There were some on her left arm, her legs, and her face. But surprisingly, not her right arm. It was still bare as ever. Unfortunately, things turned for the worse, when she felt herself being kicked towards a tree. Rinna groaned in pain, as she tried to get up once more. However, the demons had already cornered her.

"You're cornered now! Say goodbye!"

Rinna grits her teeth, as she grabbed her sword. And she couldn't wake up her friend now. She knew well that he was a heavy sleeper. And she couldn't bother him like that when he needed his sleep. What was she going to do?

She closed her eyes slowly. "I'm sorry Seiya..." She had muttered. Suddenly, she heard a new voice nearby, making her eyes open.

"Blood Breathing, 1st Form, Blood Death Scythe Cut!"

Suddenly, the demons surrounding her had been taken down in an instant, disintegrating. Rinna quickly stood up, wondering who had done that. She then had taken notice of a male, with a scythe in hand. However, it had turned back into a sword.

Once he had put his sword back, Rinna could see his full appearance. He had white hair, and pinkish red eyes. He had a sleeveless uniform, although it was a bit torn. But he had bandages from his wrists to his elbows. He reminded her of a certain Hashira she had seen.

"Thanks... if it wasn't for you, I would've been a goner." Rinna had stated, sighing in relief. The male had smiled softly, then offering a hand to her. Rinna quickly took it, and the male helped her up.

"No problem. I'm glad I got here in time. But... you looked like you've been through worse with those demons." He had pointed out. "Here, let me help with that. Give me your arm."

Rinna nodded slowly, extending her left arm. Suddenly, a vine of some sort started slowly being wrapped around her arm. Rinna had a surprised expression on her face, then making eye contact with the male. The vine had smelled like... wisteria?

Within a few seconds, the scratches on Rinna's left arm had healed. "Thanks. But... how did you do that? What... are you?" Rinna had asked in a quiet tone of voice.

"That's... complicated to explain." The male had begun. "But I'm a Demon Slayer, but I'm also a demon." He had replied. "That makes sense... I guess I can trust you, knowing that you healed my arm." She had stated.

The male then took notice of Rinna's bare arm, which didn't even have a scratch. "Your right arm didn't even have a scratch. How did you do it?" He had asked.


Rinna was about to answer his question, when she heard the door to her home had swiftly opened. She didn't even realize that her friend had ran out the door that fast. But there was something she had done without thinking. A male came running out. He had a beige colored haori with a hexagon pattern with multiple colors on it with the usual demon slayer uniform. His brown hair was messy, but his golden eyes were filled of anger.

She draws her sword then running in front of the male, then clashing her sword with her friend's. Her friend's eyes widened, as he stepped back. "Rinna! What did you do that for?! Why are you defending him?! He's a demon!" Her friend had exclaimed. Rinna then sighed.

"It's not what you think, Seiya. He saved me. A group of demons came out here while I was on patrol, and I was unable to fight them off. That's when he came in." Rinna had pointed out. "How can you be so sure?" Her friend, Seiya had asked, crossing his arms. The male then stepped in. "It's true. I did save her from a group of demons surrounding her. I even healed her arm." The male had pointed out.

Seiya hesitated for a few moments, before slowly putting away his sword, then glaring at the male. "Fine. If you did save Rinna, then I'd like you to tell me who you are. Just so I won't have any suspicions here." Rinna had given Seiya an annoyed look. However, she turned to the male with a curious expression. She had never gotten his name when he had saved her.

The male then smiled, then making eye contact with the two.

"Kanjoro. Kanjoro Hyuga. Nice to meet you both."

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