Chapter 35: Repay

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Kanjoro Hyuga

"He's waking up!"

"Oh, thank goodness!"

The white-haired male had slowly opened his eyes, his eyes taking notice of a ceiling.  He looked to both sides of himself, processing what had happened.  He then looked around to who had said that voice.  He had made eye contact with a female with a purple butterfly clip and a butterfly patterned haori.  He blinked his eyes in surprise.

"Miss Shinobu...?"  He had mumbled slightly.  He then slowly sat up, very confused at the moment.  Shinobu had sighed quietly in relief.  "You're awake.  You've been out for quite a while."  She had stated.  Kanjoro had scratched his head.  "How long... was I out for?"  He had asked.  Shinobu paused for a moment, then answering his question.

"A few hours.  Since you're a demon, your wounds healed quickly.  However, the attack Kibutsuji had pulled drained most of your energy out of you.  I was told that the final attack that he pulled caused you to stop breathing for a few moments.  We were all honestly scared that you would die."

Kanjoro's eyes widened a little.  That happened to him?  He then scratched his head.  He then closed his eyes for a moment.  It made sense now.  He didn't even expect the final attack that Muzan had pulled before he was fully disintegrated by the sunlight.  And it took not only him out, but the group too.  He then looked around, seeing a familiar face sit up as well.  Shinozuka.

"Shinozuka..."  He had muttered.  Shinozuka had immediately turned his head to Kanjoro, making him sigh in relief.  "You're... you're alive.  Thank goodness..."  Kanjoro's face formed a small smile.  He then looked around.  Where was Taeko?

He then took notice of a female on a bed next to his.  The female was unconscious, and her brown hair was out of the way.  Kanjoro had a worried look on his face.  "Taeko's still unconscious.  I'm scared that she might not make it..."  He had mumbled under his breath.  Shinozuka had nodded in agreement.

"Me too... I... remember the final attack he pulled on us."  Shinozuka had said, crossing his arms, a frown on his face.  "She'll make it.  Do not worry, you two.  My sister's taking care of her as of right now."  Shinobu had stated, walking over to the two of them.  Kanjoro then took notice of a woman that he didn't take notice of before.  Besides, Shinobu, there was Tamayo.  But the other woman, he didn't know.

That woman was Shinobu's older sister?  "Your... sister?"  Kanjoro had questioned.  Shinobu hummed softly and nodded.  "Kanae.  She used to be the master of the mansion before she passed.  But I guess the circumstances changed, and well... she's back."  Shinobu had stated.

"I see... where are the others?  Tanjiro?  Zenitsu?  Inosuke?"  Shinozuka had asked.  Shinobu paused for a moment.  "They're in another room.  Kanao and Aoi are watching over them for the time being."  She had replied.

"Can I... see Tanjiro?  After this?"  Kanjoro had asked.  Shinobu had chuckled.  "Well, your wounds have already been healed.  Although there is something else Tamayo needs you for."

"What is it?"

Tamayo, who was just at the corner of the room, turned around, then took notice of Kanjoro.  A soft smile then came on her face, as she walked over to Kanjoro.  "Ah, Kanjoro.  You're awake.  How are you feeling?"  The woman had asked.  Kanjoro had chuckled, smiling slightly.  "I'm doing well.  Although, I'm completely exhausted right now."  He had admitted.  Tamayo had chuckled as well.  "I can tell.  I've been working on the serum on turning a demon back into a human, actually.  With Shinobu's help, of course."

That made Kanjoro perk up at hearing about that.  His eyes widened.  "Wait... really?"  He had asked.  There was a chance where he would turn back into a human?

twilight ~ a demon slayer fanfictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang