Chapter 19: What's meant to be protected

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Kiko Suzuki

The female stops to catch her breath, glancing to see the demons disintegrate behind her.  She never knew in a state of anger, she could take them all out at once.  However, she is a Hashira.  So, to her, this was easy.

Kiko clutches onto her sword in a tight grip.  Suddenly, she hears a bright voice upon her.

"Well, well!  Looks like you caught up to me!"  That made Kiko look up.  She noticed the silver hair and rainbow eyes staring back at her indigo ones.  However, her eyes narrowed, seeing the demon in front of her.

"And it looks like you're continuing things off from where your friend had left off, hm?  How... considerate of you."  Kiko had grit her teeth, trying to stand up.  However, the injuries she had gotten at this point were slowing her down.  That made Douma chuckle.

"You were blinded by rage that you didn't even come to care about the injuries you had.  Well, I guess I shouldn't be surprised.  You did grow up with that female, didn't you?  And I did slay her sister.  In front of you."

Kiko had finally stood up on her own two feet.  However, her legs were still trembling, due to the injuries she had.  The expression on her face was one that no one would be expecting.  The expression on her face had noticeably said that she was ready to hurt someone.

"You really want to make me fight by taunting me, huh?  Bring it then."

Kiko then turns around, aiming her sword high in the sky, then jumping, her back turned to Douma.  Before Douma could get a hit in, Kiko turns around, her sword becoming a bright red.

"Rainbow Breathing, 1st form, Crimson Blow!"

She knew this wasn't enough to stop Douma.  She needed to do more than that.  The demon had chuckled, then taking out a fan of some sort.  With a swing, he had spoken up.

"Blood Demon Art, Freezing Clouds."  Suddenly, a wave of wind blew by.  A little too cold.  Kiko looked around for the demon, seeing that he had disappeared.  However, the cold wind that he summoned in, it was slowly causing a growing pain in Kiko.  Kiko stumbled to the ground, feeling her lungs slowly freezing up.  She should've known not to breathe in that wind.

"Hmm... guess this is your first time dealing with a blood demon art like this, hm?"  The demon had begun, as he stepped down, taking a few steps closer to the female.  A bright smile came on his face.  "How about this?  It'll be no fun finishing you off right away.  How about we fight and see who will stand in the end?  Doesn't that sound more fun?"  He had asked, tilting his head to the side.

By now, the cold wind had mostly cleared out.  Kiko had coughed, covering her mouth.  However, she had slowly stood back up on her feet.  "Fine."  Kiko then draws her sword once more, mumbling under her breath.

"Rainbow Breathing, 3rd Form, Golden Star."  Kiko then aims her sword towards the night sky.  The light from the moon reflected towards her sword.  The light then reflected towards Douma, coming right for his eyes.  Kiko's eyes narrowed.  She then charged forward, then making a star shaped attack towards the demon, then using her foot to kick him.  Douma had stumbled back.  However, the same bright smile remained on his face.

"Wow!  That was rather impressive!  I didn't even know you could use light to reflect onto your sword!"  He then opens his fan, then clasping his own hands together, while holding onto it.  "But now, it's my turn!"

"Blood Demon Art, Barren Hanging Garden!"  With a few swings of his fan, ice shards started coming for Kiko.  The Rainbow Hashira had sighed, her sword lighting up."Rainbow Breathing, 4th Form, Sage Gardens."  The female charged forward once more, aiming her sword, while slicing through the ice shards.  The sword had got Douma at his weak points.  His chest, his eye, and his neck.  Green light had appeared out of them.  The demon had laughed.

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