Chapter 21: Explanation

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Kanjoro Hyuga

The white-haired boy, Kanjoro had entered the female's home, and he sat down. The female then turned to him with a worried look on her face.

"You sure you don't need any bandages or anything to heal your wounds? I know you're a demon, but still, I am a little concerned." The female had pointed out. "I'm fine, really. These wounds regenerate faster than you think." Kanjoro had replied, shaking his head quickly.

"Right, of course. Oh, I forgot to introduce myself." The female had begun. "My name is Rinna Watanabe. I'm kind of the owner of this home if you would call it that." The female had stated. She then turned to her friend, then eyeing Kanjoro, telling him to introduce himself. The male then quickly cleared his throat.

"Oh, sorry. The name's Seiya. Seiya Takahashi. I apologize for attacking you earlier." The male had replied, bowing quickly. Kanjoro had quickly shaken his head. "Oh, no worries. I can understand why though. People easily see me as a demon at first glance. But I really am in the Demon Slayer Corps." He had stated. He remembered that Taeko's sister, Hikari nearly attacked him at first glance when she met him.

"I can tell. But what are you doing out here? You couldn't be out here by coincidence, couldn't you?" Seiya had asked, raising an eyebrow. Kanjoro then sighed. "Well... I was trying to go somewhere, but I got lost, and ended up here." He had replied.

"Wait, where were you going to?" Rinna had asked. Kanjoro thought about it for a moment before he answered.

"The Demon Slayer headquarters."

"Wait, what?" Seiya had begun. "The headquarters?" Rinna had asked, a surprised look on her face. "Yeah... I have a reason for going there." Kanjoro had admitted. "And that is?" Seiya had asked once more.

"I was captured by someone, and I ended up escaping. However, the injuries that were inflicted on me were fatal. I thought that I would die. But I'm still alive and well after our injuries had healed. It's been half a year since then. This also had happened with my other two friends." He had pointed out. Rinna had thought for a few moments. "Wait... who was the person who had taken you?" She had asked.

"Muzan Kibutsuji."

Rinna and Seiya looked at each other with looks of horror on their faces. "That makes sense... of course it would be someone like him." Seiya had muttered. "Wait... half a year?" Rinna had begun. "Wait... the leader of the Demon Slayer Corps said that three demon slayers were gone half a year ago." She had begun. Seiya also had a look of realization and turned to Kanjoro.

"He must've been talking about you!" Seiya had pointed out. "Yeah... something like that." Kanjoro had said, a frown coming on his face. He knew that he had a lot of explaining to do to the others.

He first needed to explain everything to his father. He knew how upset he would most likely be.

He also needed to explain things to Tanjiro. He knew that he would be devastated. All he wanted to do now was to see him again.

"Kanjoro? Is there something wrong?" Rinna had asked, a concerned look on her face. Kanjoro had sighed once more. "Just thinking about how everyone would feel. I know my father's likely upset when he found out that I was dead. And for my boyfriend Tanjiro, he's likely devastated." He had replied.

"I know how you feel. It would be hard to explain. But you want to see them again, right?" Seiya had asked. Kanjoro had nodded slowly. "Then we'll take you over there. Well... as soon as it turns daytime." Rinna had pointed out. She then realized had something. Demons would disintegrate in daylight. "Wait... you're a demon. You're likely going to disintegrate in the day." She had stated. Kanjoro then shook his head.

Twilight ~ A Demon Slayer Fanfictionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें