73 - Allergies or Afraid?

Start from the beginning

Before Akshara could stop Abhimanyu from coming close to her, or find a reasonable excuse as to why she couldn't embrace him, Abhimanyu wrapped his arms around Akshara, pulling her into his heavenly embrace. Abhimanyu crushed his lips against Akshara's capturing her lips in a passionate kiss, sure to leave the two of them breathless.

Akshara pulled back from Abhimanyu, just waiting for the moment his demeanor would change. Waiting to see him break out into hives, sneeze recklessly, have watery eyes –anything. She was prepared for the worst.

Except...it never came.

Akshara frowned as Abhimanyu did not sneeze once, or have his skin turning inflamed or his eyes water. She looked down at her clothes to see small strands of the puppy's fur blatantly sticking to her.

"Oh god, I am starving. Is dinner ready yet?" Abhimanyu asked, just in time for his stomach to grumble.

"Yes. I have some garlic potatoes and it's a make your own burrito night!" Akshara smiled, her tummy beginning to rumble too at the mere thought of burritos.

Akshara turned Abhimanyu around, and walked him towards the kitchen. "I know you are starving because I am starving too."

As they were about to enter the kitchen, Abhimanyu pulled away from Akshara. "But first let me grab a quick shower."


Akshara watched Abhimanyu walk towards their bedroom, for a moment there, forgetting the little four legged ball of cuteness that was currently hiding in the exact same spot where Abhimanyu wasgoing.

The bathroom.

Akshara's eyes widened in horror as she the knowledge dawned on her. She rushed behind Abhimanyu, in a bid to stop him.

"Abhi! Wait!" Akshara ran up to him and hugged him from behind, stopping him in his footsteps just as he opened the bathroom door just a smidge.

Abhimanyu turned around in Akshara's arms. "Akshara?"

"Hmmm..." Akshara wrapped her arms around Abhimanyu's neck, leaning in to crush her lips against his, trying her best to occupy his mind so that showering was the last thing on his mind.

Abhimanyu held Akshara's waist, groaning into her mouth, having been left breathless and in a mind fog due to the sultry kiss.

Akshara whimpered against Abhimanyu's lips, slowly losing herself to the kiss as she pressed her body against his.

As Abhimanyu continued to kiss Akshara, he felt something rubbing against his leg. He smiled against Akshara's lips. "You seem to be in quite a mood, Akshara."

Before Akshara could reply, a small bark sounded, bringing Abhimanyu's hopes crashing down to reality. Abhimanyu pulled away from the kiss and looked down towards his feet to see where the sound had come from.

Akshara bit her lower lip feverously as she noticed the slight shift in Abhimanyu's expressions. From the hazy, glossy lovelorn look on his eyes, he stared at the small puppy, horrified, as if he had just seen a monster.

"Ahhhhh!" Abhimany yelled, running away from the small four legged creature and jumped on top of the bed. The puppy ran after Abhimanyu, developing an instant liking to him.  The puppy pawed at the bed, trying to jump up, but failed.

"I think he likes you!" Akshara pointed out, staring at the puppy affectionately.

"Yeah well, I don't like him! Take him away from here! What is he even doing here, Akshara? You know I don't like dogs!"

"Like them? I thought you were allergic to them?" Akshara frowned, furrowing her brows.

Abhimanyu stopped hopping on the bed, knowing he had been caught in his own web of lies.  "I...I am allergic to dogs." Abhimanyu looked at Akshara shifty eyed before he pretended to sneeze.

Abhimanyu rubbed his nose before feigning another sneeze. "See!" *Achoo* "I" *Achoo* "Am" *Achoo* "Allergic " *Achoo* "to dogs." *Achoo*.

AKshara stood in front of Abhimanyu, her hands resting on her hips as she rolled her eyes at him. "You are such a liar!"

"I am not!" Abhimanyu retorted. "I am offended you would even say such a thing!"

Akshara picked up the puppy and held it against her chest. "I know you are not allergic to him, Abhi. I was holding him like this the entire day and I am pretty sure I am covered in puppy fur which you failed to notice or react to when you hugged and kissed me. And you didn't even remember you were 'allergic' to the puppy until I pointed it out."

Knowing there was no point of arguing with Akshara's sense of logic –because it was pretty accurate, Abhimanyu decided to go about it a different way. "I don't like animals." He scoffed.

"Don't like them or are you scared of them?" Akshara raised her brow at him pointedly, catching him in another web of lies.

"It's the same thing. Don't like them, am afraid of them. Tomato, to-mah-to."

"No it's not! How could you even be scared of a tiny little thing?" Akshara pouted, twinning the expressions of the innocent puppy as she looked at Abhimanyu, making his heart constrict.

"Okay, that's not fair! Don't do that!" Abhimanyu pleaded, eyes darting between the puppy and Akshara. Why? Why did they both have to look so cute?

"Do what?" She asked him innocently

"That! The faces! The cuteness!" It was torture for him. It really was.

"What face? This face?" Akshara teased Abhimanyu, giving him the perfect proverbial, puppy dog eyes. She coddled, stepping onto the bed, closer to Abhimanyu as he stepped back

"Akshara! Please take him away from me." Abhimanyu huffed. " You have to choose! Either I say or he does!" Abhimanyu blurted out, giving Akshara and ultimatum. But regretted it the moment the words were out of his mouth. He clearly knew what Akshara's choice was going to be.

"Okay." AKshara stepped down from the bed and headed out of the room. "You have 10 minutes to pack your things and get out of here." He informed Abhimanyu. "We will be waiting in the kitchen."

Damnit! Rookie move, Birla. Rookie move. And this is what's called when one shoots oneself in the foot.


So you could say I was missing Sonic. And I liked the change personalities where Abhi's the one who hates dogs. Also, any name suggestions for the little pup?

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