Chapter 40

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    "Wife, I miss you so much."

Zhou Yunqian looked at Zhou Xingjun's gradually firm eyes, grinned, and said, "So, brother, you just like sister-in-law! If you like it, you have to say it out loud." Zhou Xingjun didn't know what to think

of What, said in a low voice: "Yeah." The tips of her ears gradually turned red.

Zhou Yunqian carefully observed Zhou Xingjun's current appearance, and couldn't hold back the joy and excitement of discovering a new continent.

Tsk tsk tsk, this cousin who was compared with him since he was a child, and became the chairman of a large group at this age, is actually so innocent, and he doesn't know anything about feelings. Zhou Yunqian had never seen his cousin with red ears, so he couldn't help but look forward to and be in awe of the legendary sister-in-law.

What kind of fairy Omega must that be?

It should also be an S-level Omega, but there is only one S-level Omega of the right age in City A, and it seems to belong to the Su family. Could it be him?

Zhou Yunqian just thought about the candidate for his sister-in-law for a while, and then carefully wrote down this scene in his heart. This is one of the few scenes where his cousin makes jokes. Who else has been married for such a long time before realizing that he likes himself Wife's?

According to Zhou Yunqian's personality, this matter will definitely spread throughout the Zhou family, and even the entire city A in just a few weeks.

Zhou Xingjun reminded Zhou Yunqian: "Don't tell others about this matter."

Zhou Yunqian shouted unconvinced: "Brother, don't you think about it, am I the kind of person who is not strict and makes irresponsible remarks everywhere? I must be tight-lipped, and I won't tell anyone if I'm killed!"

Zhou Xingjun raised his eyes and glanced at him: "You swear."

Zhou Yunqian raised three fingers indignantly: "Okay, I swear!"

After taking the oath, Zhou Yunqian sighed again, and couldn't help but say: "Brother, you are really different now. When did you talk to me before? Playing around like this, the whole person is like a cold robot, and now it's finally a little bit alive."

Hearing the familiar adjective, Zhou Xingjun frowned slightly, and asked: "Robot?"

Zhou Yunqian said "ah", a little He touched the bridge of his nose guiltily: "It's the nickname we gave you. When I went to your company to play, I heard an employee call you a robot, so..." So the whole Zhou family knew

. Looking at it this way, his cousin's worry seems to be right...

Zhou Yunqian hurriedly explained: "Of course, now you don't look like a robot at all. How can a robot have red ears and like his wife, let alone make fun of me."

Zhou Xingjun didn't hear Zhou Yunqian's explanation, but focused on recalling the past. He only remembered now that Su Mingxi once said that he wanted to chase a robot.

Although Su Mingxi later explained that he was talking about a new drama with a robot as the protagonist, but Zhou Xingjun later asked Wang Anchu to check this so-called drama because he wanted to distance himself from Su Mingxi. Live a new episode like this.

So, could it be that Su Mingxi said that the robot he wanted to chase was actually him?

Does this mean that Su Mingxi at least likes him a little bit?

Zhou Yunqian continued to question Zhou Xingjun, his excitement level has reached its peak now, especially as someone who has a loving Alpha, he finally overwhelms Zhou Xingjun in this field. What's more, now he can guide his cousin, who is praised by everyone, how to catch up with the Omega he likes, which Zhou Yunqian never dared to think about before.

Zhou Yunqian involuntarily leaned forward, approached Zhou Xingjun, and asked, "So, does sister-in-law know that you like him ?



Zhou Yunqian thought for a while, opened his mind, and said cautiously: "So, are you a flash marriage? Or... a commercial marriage?" Zhou Yunqian was

already prepared for Zhou Xingjun to say that he had read too many novels, but what happened unexpectedly Yes, Zhou Xingjun actually nodded his head: "It's a commercial marriage."

It's really a commercial marriage! !

Also, what does it mean?

Zhou Yunqian accepted the second critical blow today. He slapped his thigh and stood up excitedly, his voice was a little broken: "Business marriage? Why haven't I heard it from my family?" Zhou Xingjun said

calmly He said calmly: "I personally signed an agreement with him. He married me for one year, and I will compensate him."

Zhou Yunqian sat back on the sofa blankly, trying to digest this matter.

After a long time, Zhou Yunqian asked, "So, you guys marry first and then love?"

Zhou Xingjun frowned again: "Marry first and then love? What is that?"

Zhou Yunqian waved his hand: "It literally means, get married first Then fall in love. Oh, that's not important. So, brother, do you want to confess your love to your sister-in-law?"

Zhou Xingjun thought for a while and asked, "What do you think?"

Zhou Yunqian was excited again, so now he is officially his cousin Is your relationship counselor already?

Zhou Yunqian felt like he was going to float, so this is what it feels like to be a teacher.

Zhou Yunqian pretended to be deep and said: "If you confess now, there is no emotional basis, and my sister-in-law will refuse."

Zhou Xingjun nodded, but then said: "But we have kissed many times."

Zhou Yunqian choked, why didn't he find out before? , Cousin is so... upright?

Zhou Yunqian tried his best to regain his dignity as a relationship consultant: "But, you didn't directly tell your sister-in-law that you like it, did you? Maybe my sister-in-law thinks that this is the physiological needs of normal people." "Although you have physical

communication , but the mind hasn't communicated yet."

Zhou Xingjun corrected Zhou Yunqian: "We just kissed, we didn't have sex."

Zhou Yunqian laughed awkwardly, suddenly remembered something, and asked vigilantly, "Have you met your parents?"

Zhou Xingjun slightly Nodding his head: "Xiaoxi and I met his parents together."

Zhou Yunqian asked again: "Then, did you say anything in front of them? For example, what you said to me just now?"

Zhou Xingjun: "I told you They said, Xiaoxi and I didn't have sex."

Zhou Yunqian resisted the desire to roar, and raised his hand to support his forehead in distress: "So, why did you say this?"

Zhou Xingjun looked confident: "Because I I said before that Xiaoxi lives with me."

Zhou Yunqian raised his hand to stop Zhou Xingjun: "Okay, let's change the subject. So, do you want to chase after your sister-in-law?"

Zhou Xingjun thought for a few minutes.

Does he want to chase Su Mingxi? Falling in love with Su Mingxi?

Su Mingxi, in love.

Zhou Xingjun's heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

Zhou Xingjun frowned, and reached out to cover his beating heart.

——The body has already given him the answer.

Zhou Xingjun nodded: "Chasing."

After saying this, Zhou Xingjun felt his body became much lighter, and he was relieved of the burden that he had carried on his back in the past. Now he is unwilling to weigh the pros and cons, and does not think An agreement, and Su Mingxi's successive suitors.

Zhou Xingjun just said: "I want to chase Su Mingxi."

Zhou Yunqian clapped his hands and laughed loudly: "Okay! I'll just wait for your words. My boyfriend will be here soon, and I'll let him teach you how he chased me back then "

Zhou Yunqian waved his fist ambitiously: "I will definitely teach you!"

Soon, there was the sound of swiping the room card at the door of the room.

Zhou Yunqian ran over skillfully, and the moment he opened the door, he threw himself on Alpha. Like a cannonball, it hit Alpha's body head-on.

Alpha didn't look surprised, put his hand on Zhou Yunqian's waist with a smile, and asked him: "Did you miss me?"

Zhou Yunqian looked at him with bright eyes: "Of course I miss you, why don't you call me wife?"

Alpha pursed his lips, glanced at Zhou Xingjun secretly, and whispered in Zhou Yunqian's ear, "Isn't your cousin still here?"

Zhou Xingjun looked at him coldly, very puzzled.

Is this what it means to be in love?

As soon as the two met, they hugged each other stickily, calling them "wife" even though they were not married, and whispering to each other as if no one else was around.

Zhou Xingjun frowned involuntarily, seeing the two people leaning their foreheads together again, as if they were about to do something outrageous in public in the next second.

Zhou Xingjun coughed a few times, Zhou Yunqian embarrassedly patted Alpha's arm, motioning him to put himself down.

This was also the first time Zhou Xingjun saw his cousin showing an embarrassed expression.

Zhou Xingjun frowned again.

However, if these two people were replaced by him and Su Mingxi...

Zhou Yunqian walked to the side of the sofa with Alpha, and suddenly said in surprise: "Hey brother, why are your ears so red?"

Zhou Yunqian coughed uncomfortably: "It's nothing."

Zhou Yunqian said "Oh", and didn't care, and sat down directly opposite Zhou Xingjun.

But Alpha seemed to know something, with a smile on his face, and sat down beside Zhou Yunqian.

Zhou Yunqian happily introduced to the two of them: "This is my dearest and most powerful cousin, Zhou Xingjun. This is my most beloved boyfriend, Wen Mingan." Zhou Xingjun: "Don't

add so many adjectives."

Zhou Yunqian immediately raised his hand to do it. The form of surrender: "I'm sorry and I forgot, brother, you are a married man now, and you want to protect your sister-in-law like a jade."

Zhou Xingjun swept Zhou Yunqian coldly again, and Zhou Yunqian obediently pinched his two fingers together and closed the zipper on his mouth , indicating that he would not speak anymore.

Wen Mingan chuckled, reached out and shook Zhou Xingjun's hand.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Yun Qian is really out of tune sometimes."

The two let go of their hands, Wen Mingan put the shopping bag brought in in front of Zhou Yunqian: "The snacks you want."

Zhou Yunqian didn't look at it, but stuffed his hands into Wen Mingan "Is it cold when you go out? My hands are warm, and I will keep you warm." Wen Mingan

smiled gently: "There are others."

Zhou Xingjun was restless beside the young couple. He has always been uncomfortable with such intimacy.

Zhou Yunqian nudged Wen Ming'an lightly with his elbow, and said excitedly: "Teach my brother how you chased me back then." After speaking,

Zhou Yunqian looked at Zhou Xingjun again: "He is amazing! It took me a month to catch up with me, and every time I lose my temper, as long as he is around, he can coax me in a few minutes."

Wen Mingan reached out and rubbed Zhou Yunqian's hair: "You boast too much."

Zhou Yunqian couldn't Convinced: "I don't have it."

He sat closer to Zhou Xingjun: "Let me teach you first, first of all, you have to give gifts to sister-in-law, go to some romantic places for dates, and then let sister-in-law feel your love for him." It's different."

Zhou Xingjun thought for a moment: "I gave him a gift, which also made him feel different."

Zhou Yunqian asked curiously, "What's the difference?" Zhou Xingjun

took out his phone and opened the WeChat chat window with Su Mingxi.

Zhou Yunqian became excited visibly with the naked eye: "Grass, you are all so sweet, and you still say you don't like him?"

He leaned closer to look again: "Wow, my sister-in-law is really good-looking. Tsk, brother, you still call him Mr. Xiao, I love you." Zhou Xingjun heard another new

word: "Nian Shang?"

Zhou Yunqian explained: " It's just that Alpha is older than Omega."

He asked again: "So, haven't you dated yet?"

Zhou Xingjun thought about it, and if visiting a furniture factory together doesn't count——


Zhou Yunqian thought for a while: "I I remember that there is a revolving restaurant near your house, it's nice and has a romantic atmosphere."

They have been to the revolving restaurant, but...

Zhou Yunqian continued: "In this weather, hot springs and skiing are all fine! And The easiest thing is to watch a movie, watch a horror movie together, the suspension bridge effect."

Wen Mingan added next to him: "If you don't know him very well at first, you can often call and send messages to get acquainted with his friends."

Zhou Yunqian slapped him again He patted his leg, and said excitedly: "The top floor of this hotel is a bar, let's go drink and talk."

Wen Mingan grabbed his hand, not letting him pat his leg again: "Yes."

Zhou Xingjun also ordered Head, although he drinks lightly, but the bar will also serve non-alcoholic drinks.

The three of them took the elevator to the bar. It was still afternoon, and there were not many people in the huge bar, only the staff were doing nothing.

After they ordered their drinks, they were led into the private room by the waiter, and Zhou Yunqian dragged Wen Mingan to explain to Zhou Xingjun how to chase people in detail.

While talking, the eloquent Zhou Yunqian realized something was wrong.

After Zhou Xingjun finished drinking the drinks on the table, he kept leaning on the sofa with his forehead propped up with one hand, without speaking, just staring ahead in a daze.

Zhou Yunqian stopped talking, poked Wen Mingan, and asked softly: "Is my brother drunk?"

Wen Mingan took the wine glass in front of Zhou Xingjun, sniffed it and frowned: "There is alcohol in it."

Zhou Yunqian embarrassed Looking at Zhou Xingjun: "My brother doesn't hold a lot of alcohol, he must be drunk now, you take him back?"

Wen Mingan gently moved his nose: "Not only that, his susceptibility period is coming soon, I guess that is Tonight or tomorrow."

Zhou Yunqian frowned when he heard the words: "Then what should I do? My sister-in-law is not here. What's more, it's not like you don't know that my brother hasn't confessed yet?" Zhou Xingjun could hear

this The two had a discussion about him, but he didn't want to respond either.

Zhou Xingjun is a little restless now, he is longing for a pheromone, that sweet milk fragrance.

However, he couldn't find him.

The two discussed it, and finally decided that Wen Ming'an would help Zhou Xingjun to a new room, and then asked Wang Anchu to bring over Zhou Xingjun's clothes and inhibitors.

Zhou Xingjun obediently followed them to the room without letting the two of them worry too much.

Wen Mingan supported Zhou Xingjun on the bed, and now he is waiting for Wang Anchu to bring his clothes to the hotel. Although the hotels are not far away, it is the rush hour for get off work and school, and Wang Anchu is still blocked on the road.

Zhou Xingjun lay on the bed with his eyes closed, as if he had fallen asleep. Zhou Yunqian felt relieved, walked out of the room with Wen Mingan lightly, and closed the door.


Mingxi stayed in the studio in a daze for almost an hour, and was not in the mood to draw anymore. Fortunately, the delivery date of this painting is still far away.

He bought another cup of milk tea at the milk tea shop on the first floor for lunch.

Alpha asked in surprise: "Are you drinking two cups of milk tea today?"

Su Mingxi was not in the mood to joke with Alpha anymore, but just said indifferently: "Well, help me take it home for others to drink."

Alpha laughed and said: "Is it your husband? You don't need to take care of my emotions."

Su Mingxi twitched the corners of his mouth weakly, and didn't explain, he didn't even know that this Alpha liked him.

Although Su Mingxi didn't have a car or a parking lot nearby, he didn't want Shen Yan to pick him up.

He doesn't want to see everything related to Zhou Xingjun now.

Holding a cup of milk tea, Su Mingxi stood on the side of the road waiting for a taxi to pass by.

Maybe it was because God also took pity on him, Su Mingxi quickly stopped a taxi.

Su Mingxi told the driver the contact information of his Xiaojia. The driver glanced at him in the rearview mirror of the car, and he should have seen that Su Mingxi was in a bad mood, so he didn't talk to him.

The taxi was driving in silence, but was suddenly interrupted by the ringing of Su Mingxi's cell phone.

Su Mingxi looked at "Zhou Xingjun" on the phone screen, snorted coldly and wanted to hang up.

But maybe it was accidentally touched by fingers, Su Mingxi pressed the answer button.

In an instant, a deep magnetic "wife" echoed in the car.

Su Mingxi avoided the driver's clear and gossiping eyes, and quickly turned down the volume and put it next to his ear.

Su Mingxi said in a low voice: "What are you yelling?"

- Have you forgotten the message you sent before?

But Zhou Xingjun didn't answer him, just whispered -

"Honey, I miss you so much."

The author has something to say:

The susceptibility period is coming! The car is also fast!

I'm so thick and long! Babies can't praise me just because it's in one chapter, not two! People want to boast (shy);

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