I exited his room and headed to the lower level where the guest rooms were. I stopped in front of Nina's door and knocked twice.

When I didn't get any response, I slowly opened the door and entered. The curtains were shut, and the room was dark. I moved quietly to her bedside and smiled at her sleeping form.

The bed cracked under my weight, but my girl proved she was a heavy sleeper and didn't even stir. I smiled and played with her hair for a while.

Finally, two hours later, Nina stretched and opened her eyes. She instantly detected my presence and pinned me down to the bed before I could even blink.

"Whoa! Calm down." I said to the first woman who managed to get on top of me with her hands ready to strangle me.

Nina huffed and released my neck from her hold. "Ethan?"

"I wanted to surprise you." I feigned innocence.

"Surprising an assassin is not a good idea."

"Yeah, I can see it was a bad idea, but I don't mind our position."

Nina realised we were mere inches away and tried to move from me, but I held her waist tightly and said in a whisper. "Stay like this for a moment."

She sighed but nodded her head. We stayed in each other embrace for a few minutes before Nina broke the silence.

"I must shower and change."

"Why? Are you going somewhere?"

"Your grandma wants me and Ayla to join her for dinner. She doesn't want to eat alone at the hospital."

"I was hoping we can go out tonight." I voiced my plans.

"I can't turn down your grandma's invitation. She is a nice woman." Nina said with a small smile.

"I see you are making out friends from all the women in my family," I commented.

"What can I do? They are all nice and lovable."

"Don't worry. Grandma won't mind at all. She will be happy to see us going out together. She already suspects we are a couple."

"What? Why would she suspect something like this?" I could see the forming frown on Nina's forehead even in the darkroom.

"Maybe it is the way you look at me that gave us away." I teased.

"Ethan, are you high?" And as always Nina's words made me laugh out loud.

"No, baby. I assure you, I am in a very good mental state."

"Baby? Please, Ethan, find another endearment."

"So you want me to find an endearment for you," I murmured in her ear.

"Ethan, you are impossible. I must get ready," Nina said and jumped out of my hold.

I laughed out loud at her hasty retreat and called after her. "I will be waiting for you."

The only response I got was her slamming the bathroom door. I put my arms under my head and smiled, happy that I could affect her in this way.

Twenty minutes later, Nina emerged from her bathroom wearing a dark blue dress and black heels and her hair tied in a high ponytail with a few tendrils framing her heart-shaped face.

I walked over to her and grabbed her hand. She gave me a twirl and asked. "How do I look? It is a long time since I wore a dress."

"Words won't do you justice. You look stunning." I said and leaned over to leave a kiss on her cheek.

The fall of our secretsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora