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Hello and Salutations to all those new.

And welcome back to those of you who have come from the old story.

I hope you all enjoy this work of fiction that I have created based off Horikoshi's manga and anime My Hero Academia. This work is also being posted on AO3 so please do not worry if you see this story on a different platform. It will be under the same title but different name, exyna. I will try to update as best as I can weekly.

I do not have a lot to say. I do take criticism, of course I may not take the suggestion, but I will definitely put it to thought. If I do take a suggestion, I will credit you. I do not condone any sort of hate such as racism, homophobia, sexism, etc. You may bully as much as you'd like to me but I will not stand for such behavior to others.

I do have someone reading my story and proofreading it but in the end we are all human and our brain corrects mistakes for us so if there is something misspelled or an incorrect using of a word, please do not be afraid to correct me.

I love reading comments but do not feel pressured to leave any.

Any song choices I will gladly take so, if you would like to, comment some songs you enjoy.

Thank you <3


What if I'm him?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon