Chapter Ten

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He whipped his head to the door. "Hello?" He called, the door opened, and in came a brunette.

"Oh, Eijiro," Masaru pointed out.

"Hello, Mr. Bakugo."

"I didn't know you were here," he closed the door. "I came to visit Katsuki. I don't know if he still does but he told me his favorite flowers were the sunflower and um- roses?" Masaru adjusted his glasses and twirled the bouquet in his hands. Masaru focused his eyes behind Kirishima, "Oh, Mina is here."

Kirishima looked behind him, "Yeah." He turns back. "She's been pretty tired lately so she's taking a quick nap."

"You guys are young," he placed the flowers at Bakugo's bedside, "You shouldn't be skipping your sleep." He walks to the empty seat that was pulled up next to Kirishima. He points at it, "Do you mind?"

Kirishima shakes his head and Masaru takes a seat. They sat in silence for a while until Kirishima spoke up, "Those are pretty flowers. A weird combination though." He chuckled at the bouquet with sunflowers and red roses tied together.

Masaru smiled, "He said his favorite flowers were roses a long time ago. When he came to U.A. he said sunflowers were his new favorite. He told me it reminded him of um- someone in his class? I-I don't talk to him much," he fiddles with his fingers in his lap "I thought he talked to his mother more but," he shrugged sheepishly." Turns out he had no one to talk to. I don't think he likes talking to me much."

"I'm sure that's not true. He's just really reserved and stressed. We all are so I'm sure it's just there wasn't a time that matched your schedules. "

"Yeah, maybe that's true." He looked at Kirishima, "But you did." Kirishima knitted his eyebrows in confusion. "You were there for him, you had time."

Kirishima shook his head, "No-"

"I see the way he looks at you," Masaru interrupts. "I know I shouldn't be talking about my woes to a child but I felt like I just needed you to know how much Katsuki treasures you." Turning to Bakugo, Masaru smiled, "And I know it can be hard to stick with him with a personality like that but please don't be discouraged. He enjoys having you around."

"Kiri," a tired voice spoke behind them. "Who is that?"

Masaru stood up and walked to where Mina is now sitting up, rubbing her eyes. "Hello, Mina."

Mina widens her eyes and stands up. She bows, "Good afternoon, sir! I am very sorry for this poor greeting!"

He put a hand on her shoulder, "It's okay." She looked up and Masaru removed his hand from her shoulder and stuck out his hand. Mina shook his hand, blushing with embarrassment. "Are you still tired? You can keep sleeping if you'd like."

Mina shook her head, "Thank you, sir. I'm alright."

He smiled, "Please, sit." He motioned for the chair that was next to Kirishima.

"Oh, no. I couldn't."

"Nonsense. You're his friend." He guided her to the seat and spoke up when she sat down. "I was telling Eijiro this but I am really grateful that Katsuki has so many good friends. I know that it can be hard with his personality and I just want to tell you that he likes having you around. He will never admit it but he likes you guys."

Mina reached out her hand, slipping it under Bakugo's. "People say that you can still hear in a coma. I know you're hearing this cause you love us."

Mina and Kirishima softly laughed. Masaru watched them, standing on the other side of Bakugo's bed. He smiled at first, happy that his son has friends that care so much for him. Possibly a girl that likes him too. Masaru makes a note to teach Katsuki how to treat a girl if he wakes up. The thought jerks Masaru back into reality. His son may never wake up. He sniffles, tears making their way into his eyes and down his face.

The two teenagers stopped their conversation. Their bodies tensed as Masaru cried.

Masaru took off his glasses and turned away, "S-sorry. I shouldn't cry in front of you, kids."

"No, no. It's okay." Mina softly spoke, standing from the chair and making her way to Masaru.

Kirishima followed, "Don't apologize. He's your son."

Masaru covered his face, "It's just that-'' his voice was muffled. "Why isn't he dead?" Kirishima and Mina backed away slightly at the concerning outburst. "He shouldn't have been alive and here he is. Still alive! Why? I don't know what to do. I feel so grateful that he isn't dead. That it was a miracle that he even lived long enough to get to the hospital." He wiped his hands down his face, "But-but what if he is in pain? What if he is in this horrible pain and has to be in it for so long and then he dies before he even wakes up? Wouldn't it have been better for him to just die in the first place? But I can't! I can't just let my son die!"

Kirishima stepped forward, opening up his arms. "He won't die. He's still here, breathing. If he were to die," Kirishima choked on his words as tears formed in his eyes. "If he were to die he would've by now."

"But he's not dead!" Mina sobbed, "And he won't die. So, so, so," she wiped her nose with her sleeve. "So, let's just think happy thoughts!" She wrapped herself around Kirishima's arm and motioned for Masaru to come closer. Masaru stepped from side to side. No energy left as he fell into their arms.

"God," he held them close to his chest. "Thank you. Thank you for being his friend. Thank you for loving my son." They cried in each other's arms until they heard a small change in the heart monitor.

They glanced at Bakugo. Bakugo's finger started to twitch. They untangled themselves and scrambled to Bakugo's side.

"Katsuki?" Masaru called, hesitating on touching his son.

Bakugo opened his eyes. He had his eyes squinted as he looked around the room, groaning.

"Oh my god," Masaru cried. He put his hand on Bakugo's forehead and stroked his head. "Oh my god, Katsuki. You're awake."

Bakugo looked at Masaru. He tried to reel back from the touch, "Who are you?" His voice was raspy. Masaru stopped in his tracks. His jaw slack. Bakugo looked to the other side of his bed where Kirishima and Mina stood.

"Bakugo..." Kirishima called, sad.

"Kirishima?" Kirishima's face lit up slightly. Bakugo's eyes moved to Mina. She held her breath as Bakugo spoke, "Ashido?" Mina exhaled a breath of relief.

"Katsuki?" Bakugo looked back at Masaru who removed his hand from his forehead. "Do you not recognize me?"

"Who are y-" Bakugo couldn't finish as he started to cough. The heart monitor beeped loudly and faster then hit a long tone.

"Oh my god! Katsuki!" Masaru grabbed the boy's shoulder as his eyes rolled back and his body started to shake.

Mina ran out of the room, "Help! Help! Someone! Something is wrong!" She attracted a few doctors and nurses that ran to her aid. They followed her into the room.

"Jesus," one cursed. "Move back! I need everyone to move back!"

A nurse shooed out Mina and Kirishima. They looked back constantly at the boy as they exited the room.

Another nurse grabbed Masaru and pushed him to the door, "Sir, we need you out!"

"That's my son!" Masaru tried to push past the nurse and to Bakugo when a male nurse blocked his way. "What's happening?"

"Sir! Please!"

"Katsuki! Katsuki!"

"I'm sorry, sir!" The male nurse picked up Masaru and dropped him outside. He closed the door before Masaru could get back inside.

Masaru hit the wall behind him, shaking and crying. "Fuck!" He swore. He made eye contact with the two teens. He punched the wall again and sadly slid down, pressing his back against the wall, facing the door of the hospital room. They could hear murmurs from the room.

Then a loud explosion rumbled through the building. 


I think this is the chapter where I realized a big mistake....oops

too late to change it and im not pointing it out but deff feel free to comment cause im god and im really proud one part of this chapter so...yee <3

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