Chapter One

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The alarm went off, waking the blond boy who quickly shut it off. Groaning, he got up into a sitting position, rubbing his eyes with the heel of his palm. He zoned out, staring at his lap for quite some time. After a few moments, he threw off the blanket covering his legs and swung his feet over the bed. He stood, walking to the dresser and taking out a dress shirt, blazer, pants, and clean pair of underwear. He threw them on the bed and scratched his arm. Slowly, he got himself dressed.

Once he looked presentable in his own standards, unbuttoned shirt and no tie, he picked up his bag by the door and walked out.

He started down the hallway before stopping in front of a door. He watched the door right beside him and started counting down in his head, 3.........2...........

Turning away from the door, he continued walking........1. The door he was once by, flew open and out came a redheaded, grinning. His hair was spiked up and he adjusted the strap from his bag on his shoulder and rushed to the blond.

"What's up, Bakubro?" Kirishima, the redhead, said excitedly as he swung his arm over blond's shoulder. Bakugo, the blond boy, rolled his eyes, having a small grunt.

The two continued walking together out of their school dorm building, making their way towards school. Kirishima went on talking about how he could not wait to see his family over the break that was nearing. Bakugo kept quiet, 'mhm' ing his responses. Bakugo was oddly quiet, which Kirishima had taken notice of.

"Hey, are you alright?" Bakugo nodded, not really looking at the boy. Kirishima pursed his lips, "Are you sure? It's just- you've been kinda quiet the whole way here. Everything okay?" Bakugo gave him a side glance before looking back at the pavement in front of him.

He hummed and nodded. " 'm just tired." . Kirishima watched him for a few more seconds before continuing to talk about his family.

While Kirishima talked, Bakugo's head wasn't anywhere near. He was lost in thought last night. He had the strangest dream. Even stranger was that he couldn't even remember what happened. He would always remember his dreams. It was strange for him to have none.

On their way to the school, they passed many students. Bakugo had spotted Midoriya and Uraraka talking. Midoriya swayed slightly as he watched Uraraka. He fiddled with the straps of his bag. Uraraka never looked towards him. Her hair flew in her face, having her keep tucking it by the ear. She had a sad expression on her face as she talked, looking at the pavement. Bakugo didn't really care for the two. He tuned them out until they passed.

Midoriya opened his mouth to speak to Uraraka but before that he spotted Bakugo. "O-oh hi Ka-Kacchan!" He stuttered, "Hi Kirishima." He did a small wave and Uraraka turned her head as well.

"Midoriya, Hey! Hi, Uraraka!" Kirishima shouted, giving the world's biggest and brightest smile in Bakugo's mind. Bakugo simply watched as they greeted one another. Kirishima waved them closer and conversed with the two, Midoriya and Kirishima chatting away. Bakugo couldn't be bothered by it anymore. It was too early. Instead, his eyes led towards the brunette next to him. He wondered why she was silent before realizing it was none of his business.

They pushed open the front doors and upon entering was a swarm of students. Kirishima had let go of Bakugo when there was no room for them to walk side by side. Bakugo grabbed his sleeve and pulled him towards the stairwell that is farthest to any classes, meaning it was empty. They ascended the stairwell, slight echo every time they took a step. Kirishima had found this humerus. Giggling, with each step he would slam his foot harder and harder.

As they made their way to the class Bakugo opened the door to the classroom. Walked in first and sat at his desk, staring out of the window with a hand under his chin. His mind wandered back to that bright smile Kirishima gave. He gave a small smile, covering it with his hand and resting it there. Soon, more of the students came strolling in.

Midoriya sat behind him with Tsuyu next to him. They pondered over the question written on the paper that sat on top of the boys desk. They discussed a bit more, looking at each other and taking turns scribbling on the paper.

Then there was a tap on his shoulder, "U-um Ka-Kacchan, I was wondering if you could- um- help me with this problem." A small voice squeaked out. Everyone turned their attention to Midoriya as he had his head down towards Bakugo. Bakugo turned his attention towards him. He nodded. Bakugo put his fingers on the paper, rotating it towards him and looking down on the multitude of questions. There were numbers and graphs. Scratches from pencils. He went from problem to problem, reviewing each one. He finally came to the middle of the page in which there were crossed out attempts and small rips from erasing.

Bakugo reached out his left hand, resting it on top of the desk and opening his hand.


He looked up at Tsuyu, "Pencil."

"Oh," she slipped the pencil in his open hand.

Bakugo switched the pencil, moving it from his left to his right. He adjusted himself in the seat and tilted his head slightly. Few more moments passed by. He cleared his throat, "So-" he explained in a quiet and rough voice, writing numbers and light lines connecting and numbering the steps. He underlined words in the problem and wrote down the meaning below it.

States followed Bakugo. Making him uncomfortable but he didn't want to cause a scene so early in the morning. It was hard for even Bakugo to explain but something in that dream made him quiet today. The lack of understanding bothered him.

Tsuyu leaned forward. Midoriya sat up straighter. "Oh." They said simultaneously.

Midoriya slid his desk closer, "But wait-" he stopped the blond. Lifting his index finger, Midoriya pointed to the page, "Aren't you supposed to-" he explained his confusion. Bakugo listened, nodding, understanding the confusion.

He paused for a moment. He inhaled, opening his mouth, "No, that only works here-" He looked around the page, flipped it, looking at the back side before placing back how it was. "It's not on here, but it doesn't work here because-" he continued. His voice started to come out rough but he did not attempt to fix it. Once he finished, he looked up at Midoriya. His eyes were fixed on the page and his brows furrowed. Bakugo glanced at Tsuyu. She watched the paper, hair falling at the sides of her face. She lifted her hand, tucking her hair back behind her ears. Bakugo felt more stares as the room was engulfed in silence.

He looked around the room to find most of the class watching them. "What?" he asked, annoyed.

"Nothing, man." Sero started. "It's just, I don't know. I thought you would scream at Midoriya like you always do." He finished, shrugging his shoulders and leaning back in his seat.

Bakugo raised an eyebrow. Hagakure said, "You just did something nice." Bakugo turned back forward to look at the space in front of him. The chair in front of Bakugo's desk leaned back, touching the desk, "You're not really that nice so... yeah... just weird to see you like this.

Bakugo's hands started to crackle and smoke sizzled around his hand.

"I can't be nice?" Though he wasn't yelling, his voice was lowered and he glared at the girl. More smoke emanated from his hands.

Bakugos looked around the room, watching everyone's eyes and actions. Most avoided his gaze and fiddled with their thumbs on the desk. Sero raised his eyebrows and smirked, crossing his arms. Mina and Kaminari shrugged. Kirishima gave a small smile. Todoroki kept eye contact, annoying Bakugo. He looked back to Tsuyu and Midoriya, their lips pursed and eyes exchanging glances.

Bakugo rolled his eyes then softened his posture and gaze. He shook his hand, grabbing his bag from off the floor. He got up from his desk, pushing in his seat and walked to the door. "I'm leaving."

"Bakugo, we must stay in class! School has begun!" Iida hollered, lifting his arm up and down towards Bakugo.

Bakugo stopped in front of the door. He looked up at the clock on the wall.

"Teacher's not here. Been eighteen goddamn minutes. Schools over. I'm leaving." Bakugo walked out.


I might add songs to these cause I hate reading in silence  and y'all might be the same but I literally have no clue what songs to do soooooo 


Also I did not check for mistakes so please tell me if I wrote something wrong 

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