Chapter Fourteen

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Masaru took the coat he set off the couch. He shook it open and put it on, filling the pocket with his keys and wallet. He put his phone in the back pocket of his pants. He walked to the door, slipping into the shoes waiting for him. He bent down, using his finger to widen the opening for his foot to fit, being too lazy to untie the shoe.

He cleared his throat as he walked out the door, stepping through his large garage until he spotted a man near his car. The man was dressed in uniform with white cotton gloves. He looked quite young, in his mid to late twenties. The man bowed and opened the driver's door.

"Thanks," he got in the car. "When are the maids coming?"

"They should arrive soon, sir."

"I want everything to be perfect and comfortable for Katsuki. And replace the dishes with something lighter along with dinner so he doesn't hold a lot."

The man nodded, "Of course, sir."

"When is Chef coming?"

"Two days from now, sir."

Masaru nodded, "Alright." He put his hands on the steering wheel. "And the kids?"

"Tomorrow afternoon, sir."

Masaru bit his lip, "Is it too much? Would it overwhelm him? He probably doesn't even remember these people." The man didn't answer. Masaru sighed, "The GPS is set up, correct?"

"Yes, sir."

"Alright. I'll be back in an hour or two." The man nodded and closed the driver's door. Masaru started the car and put on his seat belt. He waited for the man who went to a wall with a panel. The man hit a button and the garage door opened. Masaru drives the car forward towards the open garage doors. He exited the garage and pulled out of the long driveway onto a rural street that would lead to the main road.

Masaru had one hand on the steering wheel, blindly following the car in front of him.

Masaru ran down in the hallway when he noticed that Katsuki hadn't returned. He ran outside into their large backyard, covered with a beautiful garden with tall plants that went higher than Masaru. It was a sight for sore eyes but for Masaru at that moment it looked hideous and disgusting.

"Katsuki!" he called out, speed walking through the garden, panting. He strained his eyesight as he tried to peer through the tall plants and trees. "Katsuki! Katsuki, where are you?" Tears were starting to build. "Katsuki, please!" He cried, picking up the pace as he scavenged the large garden.

He ran into the long stems, pushing them out of his way. He looked through the bushes, "Katsuki?" He got off the trail and into the forest that started where his huge yard ended.The forest was filled with tall trees with branches that hung down like streamers. "Katsu-" Masaru was cut off by his foot catching a root on the ground. He tripped, sliding on his hands and knees. He cursed, wiping away the dirt on his hands. He reached for his glasses on his head and straightened them, a crack from the corner of the left lens made his vision uneven.

He pushed himself back to his feet, "Katsuki!" He took a step forward and collapsed. "Fuck!" He turned and sat on his bottom, looking at his foot. He took off his shoe and cradled his ankle. It was red and hurt to the touch. Masaru winced, "God-" He tried to put his shoe back on, grunting, trying to hold in his curses. He exhaled as his foot slipped in.

Masaru stood and hopped for the next few steps regaining the feeling back in his leg and continued walking. He limped but never once stopped. "Katsuki!" He would pause, bring his hands to his mouth, curling his finger and called for his son. When there wasn't a response he would walk down the unmarked path and repeat the process again.

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