Chapter Fifteen

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♪ Song: Vendetta

♪ Artists: Chelsea Collins

♪ Lyric Channel: NewMelody


Masaru lied. He didn't find a parking space but he did find the entrance and slowly drove down the pathway. From there, people in orange jumpsuit uniforms and helmets had emerged from the crevice of the walls and began studying his car. A young man came up to the window, which Masaru rolled down, holding a clipboard as he asked a series of questions.

"License and registration."

Masaru furrowed his brow, "Are you a cop?" Masaru looked behind the driver's seat and out the back window. "Was I not supposed to enter here?" He asked, coming back to face the man.

"No, I am not a cop. I am just here to check identification."

Masaru pursed his lips, "Okay. It's in the glove compartment." He reached over and pulled out the papers, handing them over. "My license is in my back pocket." The man just nodded, reading over the papers and holding out an empty hand for the card. The man scribbled some things Masaru couldn't see, on the clipboard.

"Could you tell me your name, sir?"

"It is on my license."

"We know. For security measures, please look at me when you say this."

Masaru held eye contact with the man, "Masaru Bakugo," he answered. The man scribbled again on the clipboard and then handed Masaru back his belongings.

"Reason for yourself being here?"

"I'm here to see my son."

"And whom may your son be?"

"Katsuki Bakugo." The man hummed and scribbled some more.


"I am a fashion designer."

The man gave a small smile while writing on the paper, "You don't say. Sir, do you happen to be carrying any firearms or weapons in the vehicle?"

"No, I do not."

"When was your last interaction with the authority?"

"Um," these questions were making Masaru uneasy. Did he arrive in the right place? "Maybe about two weeks ago? My son's quirk had gone off at the last hospital he was at and pro-heroes had come."

"Anyone in the family work for the government in the sense of police force, military, politician, etc?"

"Um, no? I mean my son is in U.A. to try and be a hero if that means anything to you."

The man looked up, scanning over the car and looking back down. He hit his clipboard with the tip of his pen, "Alright, sir! Give me a minute and I'll give you your parking pass." He walked to a wall. Masaru can now see there were small hallways dug in but too dark to see inside. The man returned with a card, "I'm just gonna..." and stretched his arm inside the car, sticking the card on the windshield from the inside. The man reeled back, "Okay, sir, you're just going to follow that man right there," he pointed to another man in orange. "He's going to take you to your parking spot and direct you to where they do another check before you go and sign-in."

"A-alright," he fiddled with his fingers on the wheel. He rolled up the window and followed as the man directed him through the building. They came to a parking spot and Masaru stepped out of the car, leaving his jacket, and the orange man helped Masaru go through a door that had windows and light. The man bowed and went back to the garage-like part of the building.

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