Chapter Sixteen

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Masaru stepped on the brakes. He looked at the surroundings around him. He was in his car driving down the long road that leaves the empty plot of land the hospital was placed on. He took his hands off the wheel, inspecting his palms. "What the fuck?"

"Are you okay?"

"Holy shit!" Masaru jumped. He quickly turned behind him, accidently hitting the middle of the wheel and having the horn blaring. "Jesus!" In the right backseat was Katsuki who looked at Masaru with confusion. "Katsuki," Masaru looked around at the field. "How did we get here?"

"Get where?"

Masaru looked at his son, "Here! In the car! We were just at the-'' Masaru pinched the bridge of his nose. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell. I just..." his voice trailing off. He went back to facing the road in front of him. "Maybe I was just zoned out. It's okay." He tapped onto the computer screen of the car, putting in his home address. "Yeah," he put his hands on the wheel. "It's okay." Katsuki looked at him with skepticism

Masaru drove down the dirt path for a road to the exit. Katsuki was staying silent, looking out the window, like in the hospital, and occasionally stealing glances at Masaru.

Masaru broke the silence as he turned onto the main street. "Katuski?" He hummed. "How are you doing?"

Katsuki shrugged, Masaru caught the action through the rear view mirror. "I'm alright. How are you?"

Masaru chuckled, facing the road again. "You know life." Katsuki hummed. Masaru wanted the conversation to continue but he could see his son's disinterest. "Do you want to play some music?"

"If you'd like."

"Okay," Masaru pulled up the music they had saved. "Name a song."

Katsuki turned his head to look at Masaru. "Can I?" Masaru nodded, looking at the road ahead. "Okay," Katsuki cleared his throat. "Then maybe -um. Maybe-" He gave the name of a song and Masaru grinned. He pressed the song title on the screen. It was one of his sons favorite songs, he would always play it any chance he got. He liked it so much he saved it on the cars files, not only that but even slipped it into Masaru's music playlist when he wasn't looking.

"Of course, bud."

After a minute of the song being played, Katsuki spoke, "This is my favorite song."

"And here I thought I was going to finally escape this song." Katsuki looked at him quizzically. "You love this song so much that you put it on your mothers and my playlist. You never get tired of it."

Katsuki hummed again, "What's she like?"

"Hm? Sorry, what did you say?"

"My mother. What is she like?" Katsuki turned back to the window just as Masaru looked at him through the rearview.

"She's very passionate. Passionate and competitive," he grinned. "That is something you got from her. You had gotten everything from her. Her hair," Katsuki touched the ends of his hair. "Her eyes, nose. Every feature you could think of." Katsuki rubbed the tip of his nose. "I'm the opposite of her. While she's loud, confident, and energetic; I'm quiet, insecure, and unmotivated. She's a model. She hates cooking but she loves trying new things. She would find something online, some 'exotic' food, and force us to make it. She has a powerful personality that makes everyone look to her."

"She sounds nice."

"She sure can be," Masaru changed lanes on the highway and sped up. "You can continue asking. I'll answer everything so don't be shy. Oh! Actually," Masaru grabbed something in the cup holder and put his hand behind the passenger seat. "I got this for you. It's cherry flavored!"

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