Chapter Three

14 0 1

♪ Song: Talk 

♪ Artists: Salvatore Ganacci 

♪ Nightcore Channel : U N D E R D O G S 


"Should we leave?" Uraraka asked Iida. Iida furrows his eyebrows, shutting his eyes closed tight and takes a deep breath.

"We could leave but we are still in school and Aizawa Sensei is a pro-hero. He probably is late because of work. I suggest we stay so that when he comes back we wouldn't get in trouble and have to walk back to school."

Uraraka nodded, "I guess so.." her voice trailing off. "Should we ask another teacher? Maybe they know where he is."

"I think we should stay here in class. The teachers are probably -hopefully- doing their job teaching their classes anyway," Shoji adds. Tokoyami nods beside him.

"What about Kacchan?" Midoriya asks. Kirishima opened his mouth but before he could speak a monotone voice spoke from behind him.

"I'll go," Todoroki said, standing up from his desk.

"A-are you sure Todoroki-Kun?" Midoriya asks, puzzled. "We don't really need to check up on him."

"I'm sure," and closed the door behind him. Todoroki's mind was empty. He had no thoughts. He simply walked down the corridors of U.A.

With each step he took, echos would emanate from his shoes. The hallway was empty and nothing could be heard from classrooms as he passed them. Todoroki didn't pay any mind to it though. He was on autopilot. He turned to the stairwell on his right. He walked down them for what had felt like his fathers lectures, long and never ending. Soon he was met with a set of doors that led to the main hallway of the school. He reached the exit.

He pushed the doors to the outside world, walking out into the breezy, sunny day. He went towards the five-floor dorm building. On the way, he had stepped on a rock. It caught Todoroki off guard, making him lose his balance. He stumbled slightly forward then gained himself. Standing up straight, clearing his voice, and turning back around, he kneeled down. He picked the piece of rock from the ground and slipped it into his pocket. "Nasty little thing," he whispered.

Todoroki resumed his journey to the dorm building, not far from it now. Some time later, he arrived in front of the building. Walking through the door, Todoroki passed the lounge, headed straight for the elevator.

He waited a while after he pressed the button to call down the elevator. The elevator gave a ding and opened its doors.

Awaiting him was a dog, a pug, standing on its hind legs and dressed in a red, New York style, doorman uniform. The pup looked up at the boy, seeing he barely stood two feet tall, and spoke, "Going up, sir?"

Todoroki stared at the pug. "Yes, I am-"

Something hit the back of Todoroki's head. His head went forward and down, then he turned back around. Hey, that rhymed. Standing there was Bakugo. His body was slightly turned towards the direction of the kitchen but he watched Todoroki. In his left hand, Bakugo held a purple plastic cup while his right hand was empty. Todoroki looked at the floor below him and saw a similar cup to the one Bakugo held but a light blue color instead.

"What the actual fuck are you doing?" Bakugo question.

Todoroki kneeled down and picked up the cup, "I was going up."

"Oh my god," Bakugo muttered, turning away from Todoroki and making his way to the kitchen. "So weird."

Todoroki watched, then followed. Bakugo kept turning his head behind him to glance at Todoroki following him. Bakugo set the cup on the countertop by the sink and moved it to the fridge. He pulled open the door to the fridge and took out a large bottle of soda. Bakugo closed the door and unscrewed the cap, filling in his cup. He slid the cup farther away from the edge of the countertop and held out his hand to Todoroki.

What if I'm him?Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant