Chapter Thirteen

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Masaru and Mistuki got up from their chairs and Eijiro and Mina straightened themselves.

"What's wrong? He's okay, right?" Masaru tried to reason.

"And in simple terms, please," Mitsuki demanded.

The doctor shook their head, "We have given him as many painkillers as we legally can allow on a sixteen-year-old boy. Right now, he is purely running off adrenaline but once that wears off he will be in incredible pain." Masaru cringed. "The nurse is getting him to rest but he will have to stay some time for his wounds to heal. After that, he will need physical therapy. He hurt his legs from both the explosion and his quirk just now so it will take some time for him to walk without any pain or a limp." The doctor took a breath. "Same goes for his arms. They will be weak for the first month. Keep him exercising, not heavy things but maybe a bowl or cup, and gradually get it heavier. I don't recommend heavy exercise until maybe the three-month mark."

"So, he's not badly injured? He can heal, right? It's not like he won't ever walk again, right?" Masaru trembled.

The doctor shook their head. "He will walk soon and his arms will heal. I'm more worried about his internal organs and head."

Mistuki stepped forward, "Well, what's wrong?"

"Well, he inhaled a lot of smoke but normally that should go away as many people have been in fires. He just needs fresh air and a clean diet but the gas that he came in contact with causes many problems. All gasses do but he was exposed to so much of it in such a long period of time. Truly, it is unbelievable how he is still alive. It is impossible."

"But he's alive so it has to be possible."

"I guess so but a miracle like this will come with consequences."


The doctor inhaled, looking down at their clipboard, "This will be fun. Can I have you two sit?"

Masaru's jaw went slack, "Is-is it that bad?"

The doctor shook their head, "No. I'm just asking you guys some questions." The doctor turned to the two kids. "You too. I would like to ask you guys some questions." They nodded. Masaru and Mistuki sat in the chairs while Eijiro and Mina stood to the right of them. "First things first, could I know Mom and Dad's names?" They answered. "Wonderful. Mom, can you tell me his name?" The doctor pointed back to the door.

"Katsuki Bakugo," Mitsuki answered.

The doctor flipped to the next paper, "Could you tell me his age?"


The doctor made a mark with their pen, "Birthday?"

April twentieth on the year ****."

Another mark, "School he attends?"


The doctor raised their eyebrows and softly smiled. "Eye color?"


Mark. "Home address?"


The doctor hit the board. "Wonderful. Okay, now kids. Can I ask you both some questions?" They nodded eagerly. "What are your names?"

"Eijiro Kirishima."

"Mina Ashido."

Two marks. "What school do you two attend?"

"U.A." They both spoke at the same time.

"I am going to assume the same class?" They nodded. "With him too?" Eijiro hummed. "Same age?"

"Almost. We're fifteen."

"I see," The doctor made some marks. "Does he have any close friends?"

"We are his close friends."

The doctor nodded, "Is he in a relationship?" They shook their heads. "What is his quirk and how would you describe its intensity?"

They had puzzled looks on their faces. "Um," Eijiro said, "He has an explosive quirk. I would say it is very powerful. He has destroyed many sturdy objects and could wipe out a mountain if he wanted to. Not like he wants to! And he's not even at that level, yet! So..." his voice trailed off.

"Nice going," Mina muttered. Eijiro blushed.

The doctor pulled down the pages until they were all stacked neatly against each other. "Well, as I said before, there are yet to be miracles without a fee. When asked his name he responded 'Katsuki Bakugo'. When asked his age he said 'Sixteen or seventeen'. When asked the date he said 'It is sometime in April. Do not ask me what year'. When asked his address, he shrugged his shoulders and said 'It's a house'. When asked his parents' names he responded 'I said I didn't know'. When asked about his school he said 'A high school'. When asked his friends' names he said 'I don't think I have friends'. When asked about his closest friend he responds, 'I said I don't have friends but maybe the boy. Or maybe the girl. One of them.' When asked if he was in a relationship he shook his head."

"Did he hit his head? Was it brain damage? Did he forget everything?"

The doctor sighed, "That's not the worst part."

"There's an even worse part?"

The doctor cleared his throat, "Lastly, when the patient was asked about his quirk he responded, 'I don't have one.'"


hey so the mistake that i think i mentioned before is being fixed 

this chapter is free of that mistake sooo yeah 

hope you enjoy this painful slow burn *insert twerking*

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