Twenty-One Pictures✔

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« Ou se yon bèl melodi ki fè m santi m nan paradi

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« Ou se yon bèl melodi ki fè m santi m nan paradi... »

Alan Cavé_Haitian Singer


"Come in," my mom says after I knock on her bedroom door.

I step inside and catch her arranging some clothes inside of her closet.

When she turns toward me, her face lightens up when she sees my attire for tonight. Her enthusiasm makes me feel more confident about having to escort Norabel in a few minutes. I've decided to dress in a burgundy blazer on top of a black dress shirt. I'm wearing pants of the same color and since it's going to be a casual night out I chose to not wear a tie, instead, I left two buttons of my shirt open showing a bit of skin.

"You look handsome darling," Mom compliments me.

"Thank you,u Mama. Kadrick and I will be leaving soon with the girls. I wanted to know if you need anything before we go."

"Don't worry about me son, you go have fun."

I cross the distance between us, my hands reaching forward to grab her shoulders. I notice the bags under her eyes and this line of worry that creases her forehead even if she tries to hide it behind a smile. Today she went to volunteer at the orphanage in Fermate like she always does every Sunday. She didn't listen to my recommendation about staying home to rest. She barely had Saturday to recover from that awful night she spent at her office but when Mom commits to something she refuses to go back on her word.

A Better Sky SomewhereOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant