Eighteen Minutes✔

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"Je suis tant étourdi, je tiens à peine, mais ces désirs me retiennent

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"Je suis tant étourdi, je tiens à peine, mais ces désirs me retiennent."*

Amir_French singer


With my eyes closed and my head leaned backward the sensations are multiplied tenfold. I can almost feel the tension that drew my muscles taught fading away like dried leaves carried by autumn wind. My skin feels renewed, fresh, and smooth. I could almost moan but it would be weird to let out that kind of sound when I'm alone in the bathtub.

I've heard about Princess Treatment before but never experienced it until I found myself stepping into the daydream that Ethan created.

When he woke me up earlier my mind was still foggy with sleep and I desperately wanted to stay in bed, possibly fall in hibernation until I graduated without moving a single finger. I'm not sure how much of those stressful events I can take until my willpower finally snaps deciding it can't take the pressure anymore.

Ethan tried to reason with me as I grumbled sleepy words about letting me drift off. His light chuckle as he tried to make me change my mind reverberated inside of me. I'm pretty sure that someone's laugh is not supposed to make you feel like a swarm of butterflies have been let loose inside your chest so I put my body's reaction on the account of my brain not being fully conscious.

Eventually, I did get out of bed when Ethan baited me with the promise of the dinner he'd prepared for me along with a bubble bath! I thought he was joking until I walked into the bathroom and became speechless at the sight of the cozy setup.

In that moment I was more than relieved that he had headed downstairs to keep an eye on the food because the squeak of delight that came out of my mouth was absolutely embarrassing to say the least.

Now that I'm relaxing in the bubbly lavender-scented water I remember, all the times this week that Ethan has been nice to me. Ever since we broke the ice it's become apparent that he's always ensuring that I'm comfortable around the house. Today when I was caught in the mayhem at Pétion-Ville my first instinct had been to call Jasmine but when I remembered that she was at work I hesitated before calling Ethan. I knew he couldn't drive but I had hoped that he could send someone to get me.

I still cannot put words on the way I felt when he promised me with determination that he would come find me. Later as I laid eyes on him inside that mini-mart my world tila ted on its axis and the emotion to caught in his gaze seemed to reflect my inner turmoil. I'm not oblivious enough to pretend that there isn't something brewing between us... The way he cares about my well-being could be mistaken for kindness but I've seen the way he looks at me when he thinks I'm not paying attention.

And whenever I feel his eyes lingering my skin catches on fire. Hot, burning want curling inside my belly and making me feel things that I haven't felt in so long...

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