🔞Bonus Chapter💕

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A/N: As promised I've written a bonus chapter about what happened between Kadrick and Keisha during that night at Kole Sere. It's the only bonus chapter I plan to make about these two so I hope you enjoy it! 

To Awards Judges: Feel free to skip this chapter it's not part of the main story.


"Men wi, mwen renmen w plis ke w renmen mwen
Ou ka pwofite de mwen men
Lè ou fè m bliye kòlè m ou bay pwoblèm"

Enposib_Haitian konpa band


Breaking a man is entertaining in so many ways.

Kade LeBeau might be a rising star of the konpa world but at hear,t he's still like any other man: predictable. This works in my favor because tonight I've decided to step into my worse villainess persona to make him pay for making me shed tears this week.

I know it's not all that surprising to discover nudes on a man's phone but for some reason,n I saw re when I saw those pictures in Kadrick's gallery. He tried to give me some lame excuse about a WhatsApp feature that I didn't give a shit about.

The guy is mine he should not be looking at any other pussy. I don't care if the world was burning and it was the only way to save his life.

This is the problem with men, you start showing too much interest and they take you for granted. I've been in this dating game way too long to let this slide. Tonight is the perfect opportunity to let Kadrick know that this fine piece of woman doesn't like to be treated like an imbecile.  It's about time he understands that I am a top priority. I will have Kadrick on his knees before I take him back in my good graces.

"Can you please smile a little?" Norabel's voice brings me out of mischievous plans to destroy Kadrick. She's holding my phone to take pictures of me in my outfit for the show at Kole Sere. "You look like you're about to go to war," she adds disapprovingly. 

"Well, that's exactly how I feel."

My best friend raises one of her perfectly trimmed eyebrows, I did the and heaves a sigh before sitting down on her bed. She pats the spot next to her.

"Come here."

I cross the room to sit down by her side. A short moment of silence stretches before Nora takes my hand into hers speaking in a gentle tone.

"How are you? I know that this whole situation with Kadrick is upsetting you but I feel like there's something else going on."

I finally look at her, the genuine concern that I see in her eyes makes my chest tighten. I bite the inside of my cheeks to avoid getting emotional. Now is not the time for tears. I'm supposed to be a bad bitch tonight.

"I guess I'm disappointed in myself for setting my expectations too high about this relationship."

"Oh Kish, why would you say that?"

"You know I've never really lucked out in the love department and not for the fault of trying," I let out a derisive laugh that dies out quickly. "This time with Kadrick feels different from what I've experienced before. There's a spark that I'm afraid will turn into a raging fire that's going to burn every sense of rationality that I have left. All my previous relationships have made me crazy. I don't want to lose control again. He's getting under my skin Norabel and I'm not sure I like it."

My best friend touches the long braid dangling in front of my face and twirls it around her finger. I know her well enough to know that this line creasing her forehead indicates that she's reviewing in her mind the best answer she could give me. 

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