Chapter 22

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Everyone turned to the voice of a man holding a gun in his hand. Jimin stared in astonishment. The older man was similar to Jungkook, he looked like him in his older versions. Jungkook looked at his father in surprise.

"Aww Jeon. Did you come to pick up your baby boy?" Mr. Lee sneered at him. At once the help of Mr. Lee, the men, hitmen, arrived. Of course, Mr. Jeon also brought several men with him. A tense atmosphere reigned over their heads, and Mr. Jeon stabbed Mr. Lee with a murderous look.

"Let them go." Mr. Jeon commanded.

Mr. Lee gritted his teeth furiously as he prepared to pull the trigger to shoot Jungkook.

"I said, ..let..them.. go." He repeated it again, more threateningly.

After a few moments, there was a loud sound of gunfire. Jimin covered his ears in horror and bent down to cover the bound Jungkook. He decided to quickly untie him and help him. However, when it was almost the end, Taemin attacked him from behind and pulled him by the hair roughly and threw him into the nearest wall. Hoseok was loading his gun and taking cover behind a large case of wine. One of Mr. Lee's killers was watching him and preparing to kill him. With his gun pointed, Hoseok waited for the killer to appear right in front of him, when he did, he quickly reacted and shot the killer directly in the forehead. Hoseok was shocked that he killed a person right now, he had never done such a thing in his life. Now he realized what it was like to be in a real mafia. Fortunately, Mr. Jeon's men were stronger so it was seen that several of Mr. Lee's assassins lost the fight.

Then one of the killers attacked Hoseok from behind and tried to strangle him with all his strength. Hoseok was suffocating, but he had to defend himself from the killer. He pressed his back hard against one wall. He repeated this several times in a row until the killer let go of his neck. At that, Hoseok quickly turned around and started punching the man in the face. He beat him until the man fell unconscious.

Jimin hissed in pain and tried to slowly get to his feet, but Taemin prevented him from doing so again, who once again slammed him into the hard wall. Jimin whimpered in pain as his back hit the wall. He started counting the last seconds of his life when he saw Taemin start pointing his gun at him, ready to shoot him.

He looked at him in horror as he pull the trigger.


However, Jungkook prevented him from doing so, who jumped on Taemin and started fighting him with his bare hands. Mr. Jeon looked for Mr. Lee with his eyes and immediately ran after him, gun in hand. They were shooting at each other, and chaos and panic reigned in the air. Then Mr. Lee himself got trapped. He was in a place where there was no other way out, and then Mr. Jeon came after him.

“Drop the gun."  He was ordered by Mr. Jeon, who was holding a gun in his hand and aiming at him. Mr. Lee laughed in defeat and immediately threw the gun to the ground.

"Let's solve it like guy to a guy." Mr. Jeon also dropped his weapon on the ground. He kept his eyes on Mr. Lee like a predator that has found its prey. Mr. Jeon walked slowly towards him and Mr. Lee retreated behind each one. The whole effect was as two rivals in the ring.

"Remember when I kicked your ass in front of everyone in high school?" He was laughed at by Mr. Jeon who made his fighting stance like a boxer. Mr. Lee glared at him and did the same.

"Let's see who first-"

Mr. Lee didn't even have time to say a word and immediately felt a sharp pain in his face when Mr. Jeon punched him in the face. He didn't expect it at all, he hit him so hard that he sat on his ass down.

Jungkook kicked and punched Taemin head to head. With the last blow he received from Jungkook, he crouched against one of the shelves and panted. His nose was bleeding and it was clear that Jungkook had broken his nose. As Jungkook approached him to hit him again, Taemin quickly reacted and reached for the pole that was there and hit Jungkook hard with it. When he noticed that Jungkook fell to the ground, he immediately pounced on him and started to strangle him. Hoseok searched for Jimin with his eyes and ran to him, trying to get him to a safe place, but Jimin protested.

"NO!! "

"Jimin! I have to get you to a safe place!"

Jungkook's eyes began to darken and Taemin waited every second for Jungkook to stop breathing.

"I'll kill you.." Taemin said through gritted teeth and started strangling Jungkook more. Jimin took an old hammer he found on the ground and ran to Taemin. Hoseok immediately ran after him.

"LEAVE HIM ALONE!" He hit him hard in the back. Taemin yelped in pain and let go of Jungkook. Taemin screamed furiously in pain and tried to stand up. Jungkook was coughing and tried to catch his breath.

"You little whore!" An angry Taemin shouted at Jimin, whom hit him in the face. Jimin immediately fell to the ground and Hoseok lunged at Taemin, but Taemin kicked him in the stomach. Jungkook noticed Taemin lunging at Jimin, stood up and attacked Taemin from behind. He began to strangle him with all his might. Taemin fought back, but his attempts were futile. Then he turned him around, grabbed him by the neck and started punching him in the face, Taemin didn't even react anymore. They could even hear a bone in Taemin's face crack and Jungkook's knuckles on his hands start to turn bright red. Hoseok knew that Taemin had crossed the line of Jungkook's anger. In a few moments, Taemin's face was covered in blood, he was unrecognizable. Hoseok and Jimin were horrified.

They didn't even know if they should let him kill Taemin. Jungkook reached out to punch him in the face again, but he seemed to lose his strength and become weak. His legs buckled and he fell to the ground. Jimin immediately instinctively ran to him.


"I would kill you on the spot. But  I'm not that kind." Mr. Jeon laughed and stuck his gun in Mr. Lee's mouth. Blood was flowing from Mr. Lee's forehead and nose. "I want you to rot your whole fucking life in the bass."

"Jungkook!" There was worry and fear in Jimin's voice. He carefully placed his head in his lap. Hoseok was also scared. They both saw that Jungkook's face was starting to turn pale. He covered the spot on his stomach with both hands when Jimin took them away, he saw all the blood on him and he was even more horrified.

"He's hurt!"


"What? I can't hear.” Mr. Jeon laughed again as he tortured Mr. Lee, but his fun was interupted by one of his men.

"Master! Master! Come quickly! It's serious!"

Mr. Jeon turned to Mr. Lee again and gave him a strong stun just in case he runs away.

"He's bleeding, he can't bleed out. Call for help!" Hoseok commanded.

"Kookie please.. You can't do this to me." Jimin said through sobs. He stroked Jungkook's face. " Please." He whispered. Never in his life had Jimin worried about anyone more than Jungkook. He loved him, and he wouldn't forgive himself  at all if he lost him right now.

He pressed his face to his and his face was full of tears.

Mr. Jeon came and was shocked.

"Jungkook! Son!"

He squatted down to them and placed his hand gently on his son's head. “Those bastards tried to kill my son.." Mr. Jeon let out a sharp and angry breath.

Kidnapping of the bride [ jj.k × pj.m ] ✅ COMPLETED STORYWhere stories live. Discover now