Chapter 1

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"I will never understand the love you have for that job. It's just a bunch of cars driving 'round in circles." the girl says on the other side of the line. I chuckle at the comment.

"Well it's good you're not the one here then." I joke and can tell my best friend starts laughing.

"I already miss you Bella. When do you get home next time?" I try to remember the order of the races.

"I think it'll be at lest two weeks." I tell her.

"Then we have to see each other right away."

"Of course! I have way to much to tell you about the drivers, too." I'm talking mostly about Max but I'm guessing she knows he's not the only one I meant.

Before she has the chance to answer, the screen turns grey, followed by the sound of a call ending. I sigh and press her name in my message app. Before I even have the time to write to her a text pops up.

Gabs: Sorry, the wifi at my parents is terrible

I just shake my head laughing, being used to her network not working.

Me: No, worries. Talk tomorrow?

Gabs: ofc

Gaby is the kind of friend who I can go months without speaking to and it will still be the same. But then again, we wouldn't go months without speaking, we barely make it a week without each other. We grew up with our summerhouses on the same street. I remember the first time we met like it was yesterday. Me and my brother Marco were going for a night swim. It was the first night of summer '05. I had turned 6 and Marco was turning 9 only a couple of weeks later. We ran down to the beach together and when we got there, there was a bag and two towels laying in our regular spot. In the water was a girl and a boy. The two blonde kids turned their heads around to see us and we started talking.

Me, Gaby, Marco and Gaby's older brother Oliver were inseparable. We used to hang out every day of every summer. Gaby and I got along like I have never done with anyone else. She's the one I talk to as soon as something is happening or is going to happen in my life.

I haven't talked to anyone about Marco as much as I have with her. When he passed away, it was like a part of me died, a part that I will never get back. One, big piece of my heart, passed away with him.

I think about him a lot. She knows that, and she also knows how to act around me when she notices I'm feeling down. She always picks the right moments to comfort me or to try and cheer me up. She's been there for me like no one else have.

Another call pops up on my screen and I press the green button with a smile.

"Hey, you." I start the call.

"Bella, you have no idea what Christian just told me!" I laugh at him now. He always makes sure to call me to check that every "crazy" thing Christian, my boss, tells him is correct.

"I don't Max, but please, do tell me." I actually have a suspicion what he's telling me, but I let him talk. I hear him take a deep breath before he rants on about his day and the PR information he just got from Christian.

"He said you're leaving the social media job!" I find myself smiling at his outburst.

"Well, that actually might be true." I tell him and I recognize a gasp from the other side call.

"And you didnt think to tell me that you're leaving me?!"

"Well in my defense, I only found out this morning." Christian actually did tell me this morning for the first time. I mean it's not as dramatic as Max is making it, I'm only switching positions in the team. I will still work for Red Bull and with both Max and Checo, actually even more than last season.

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