Chapter Eight

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I didn't get the job. They liked the draft i made for the project they gave me, but it wasn't good enough. I'm really disappointed to be honest, it was a really good opportunity working as a female IT engineer at such a known company. And the pay rage was good. Now i'll have to find something else, or i won't be reaching the end of the month.

Actually Xavi did mention something yesterday at the track. He said how they're in need of a network manager or something. Im not sure if my diploma covers that, but even if it did, would i be able to work with Charles around all the time?

Obviously i will be seeing him often if i get a job at his team. Am i ready for that? But i need the money. I really really need the money. Should i speak to Xavi? Im not even sure if i can do the job. Oh my God i need a break. I wish i could just stop thinking for a while.

I don't know what to do. I'll just call him. But it's 9 in the morning and it's GP day. Okay i need to do it. I need to take care of my daughter, i need this job. I will have to do it. I call him.

"Xavi,hey, how's it going?"

"Hey Iz, good to hear from you. What's up" Okay im kinda nervous now. Should i just do it? Ohh no my hands are shaking. Come on Izabel it's not that hard. The worst that could happen is you get rejected. Nothing seriously.

"Hey uhm.. i actually called to ask you about something" there it goes.
"Yea sure tell me"

"I actually called to ask you about that blank position in the team as network manager that you mentioned earlier .I have a diploma in Information Security as an IT engineer, and im not sure if that'll cover it, and i know it's not easy to secure a place at ferrari,but I need your help, i really need a job." i finished and now im picking on my nails.

"Izabel that's great, i'll just check with the team and i'll let you know. Be right back" and he hangs up on my face.Im full on panicking.

He calls back a few minutes later. I let it ring twice before i answer, mostly because i need to mentally prepare my self for what im about to hear. "Yeah?"

"We'll be more than happy to have you here Iz.I'll be texting you a few documents that you need to bring along with your CV, and if it's possible it would be great if you attended today." he finished and i let out a shaky breath. Okay the hardest part is done. Im not sure if i'm happy about it or not.

"Oh my God, thank you. I really owe you one Xavi. I'll try to be there as soon as possible. See you soon." And with that we hang up.

Im not sure if i did the right thing. What about Emi? I'll be working with the team so that means i'll have to go where the team goes. She's in first grade, i can't take her away every three weeks. I'll have to hire a babysitter, but she will still feel my absence.

I'll think about it later. Right now i just need to reach the paddock. As soon as i arrive there i'm greeted by known faces. I knew a few people at the Ferrari management team. I spent a lot of weekends for a whole year there. Charles had been a ferrari driver for 1 year when i left. And we had been dating for two years. Since we were 17.

It had always been his biggest dream to drive for ferrari and take after Jules' legacy. And i was there when he did it. I was there celebrating with him. Like a good girlfriend would do. But that was before everything got doomed.

It was race day. Everything and everyone was a mess. After i'd gotten interviewed, they let me wait for half an hour before officially giving me the job. Then this middle aged guy who i had no idea what position held, showed me around the paddock and my working place.

There were three other men sitting lined up on their desks with their huge expensive computers in front of them typing and observing the screen, deep in their work.

I take my place and sit in front of the computer that's closer to the TV that will be displaying the race when it starts four hours later. The job requires maintaining the network between the team and the drivers. It includes looking after hardware and software at the factory or office or even track side.

But I don't actually work today. One of the engineers volunteered to explain in detail the whole process.

So today i just watch. 
I just sit and watch.

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