Chapter Four

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Emi got to experience the racing cars from the second row of turn three, and that's all thanks to Xavi, because i could have never been able to afford it.

She adores racing. I've never seen her eyes sparkle the way they did when the cars drive by. Let alone her screams when she saw Hamilton's car. She's a raging fan of that 44 guy. I don't blame her, he really is good.

The race was good, as good as it could be. I reunited with a few of old friends, whom had the same reaction as Xavier when they saw my child. None of them assumed it was Charles's tho, and none of them dug deeper which i was very thankful for since i'm really in no mood to answer questions.

"Hey gorgeous" Xavi comes from behind us and kneels to stand in front of Emi. He's been sticking with us in all his free time, so we wouldn't feel unwelcome.

"I heard you really like that big Hamilton guy, huh?"- He says while removing a few strands of hair off her forehead and she just nods and gives a tight smile. "Well, i seem to have some friendship going on with him. I could introduce you and mayyybe, we can steal a few of his stuff. If your mother is okay with that." -And he looks up at me

I give a look at both if them "Absolutely"
and Emi starts jumping up and down from excitement.

"We can meet him at their hotel. I talked to him he's okay with it" says Xavi. The walk to the hotel was short, in a matter of five minutes .

As soon as the elevator was arriving i realised i left the tiny camera where i keep only pictures of her in the car. We've had that since she was one, we made it into our little diary. And meeting Luis can't not be part of it.

I let them go up while i had to run back to the car. I grabbed the camera and made my way back. I greeted a few people here and there until the elevator arrived and i got in. And as the doors were closing up, i see him walking into the front doors. And he sees me too.

Im frozen. So is he. But not the elevator doors. They close right in front of my face and i've never been more grateful to a machine.

Im not ready. I lied, im a fucking liar, im not ready. I stop the elevator on the fourth floor where Louis's room is supposed to be. Im so dizzy right now i can't see straight. But i do notice My daughter with the three other men standing in the hallway.

I run their way "Hey guys, big union i know, but can we please move it inside? The...air is poisonous here" I give them a tight smile and push them inside closing the door behind me.

I can't move,breath catching in my throat, hand shaking, heart racing like a machine, Holy God, it had been a while since my last panic attack. I just stood at the door while every body was looking at me concerned.

"Its fine, all alright, i just need a breath" nobody says anything

"Peach, you met you big guy!"  i say to Emi, before moving towards Louis who's just standing a few feets away. "Hi, im Noemi's mother. Im not sure if you remember me from a few years back but-"  "You're Charles's ex girlfriend "- he sounds almost amused that he cut me off.

"Yeah, that" i just smile and nod awkwardly

"Mommy who's Charles?" she's looking up at me. God im so not ready for this. "Honey we'll talk about it at home, okay? Its getting dark we need to leave now."

We greeted everyone and left the building. Emi was all happy leaving with her three signed shirts and two mercedes hats. We got in the car and headed home, listening to "Watermelon Sugar" and singing along with Harry Styles on the radio.

Life is a bitch most of the time. But it's less of a bitch when i'm with her

Treasured HeartsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora